Sharing Economy

Peer to peer trading of spare or surplus capacity to provide items or perform services

Decentralization and Deglobalization

Decentralization and Deglobalization

Crowdsourcing Week’s Theme of 2022 I believe 2022 will be a pivotal year for how we live and work, and for many aspects of the crowd economy. Decentralization and deglobalization deliver a more even distribution of power in society, and it’s our theme in 2022. There...

A #1 Business Model of the Decade: the Crowd Economy

A #1 Business Model of the Decade: the Crowd Economy

Almost two years ago Peter Diamandis, the entrepreneur perhaps best known for being founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation, wrote his prediction of seven business models that will capture and dominate the 2020s. At the top of his list was the Crowd Economy....

Humans, Robots and the Future of Work

Humans, Robots and the Future of Work

This is a series of blog posts in relation to The Hyperloop of Innovation and Future of Work. First we worked in fields, then factories, and now everywhere and anytime through devices connected to the internet. But what’s next for the future of work? According to Jim...

Self Storage Got Bigger with Spacer

Self Storage Got Bigger with Spacer

An Australian entrepreneur who has created has his eyes on the US shared warehousing space market. Spacer is cost-free to storage space owners, and like Uber and Airbnb, the space renters pay a small transaction fee. I had a chance to connect with Michael...

The crowd economy at work in recreational boating

The crowd economy at work in recreational boating

Among the hundreds of exhibitors at the 2017 London Boat Show are several operating with crowd economy business models. This article features three of them, the oldest being twelve years old and the youngest is a brand new company that launched at the show. Beds on...