circular economy

Wil Merritt: Is Crowdsourcing Content the Future of Advertising

Can you believe it?! This is our 3rd CrowdChat and we have a number of industry experts lined-up for future chats. Who Is Wil Merritt? Today Wil is the CEO at And he has an extensive career in the marketing and advertising space. Merritt spent an...

Infographic: Crowd-Powered Collaboration for Your Business

Crowdsourcing - a phrase that has become more regular in many marketing and business conversations. But as with many movements, although it's been talked about for years, it's still not being fully embraced by many businesses. It's understandable as there are certain...

4 Suggestions for Building User-Generated Content

Every business needs content in order to be found in search, and to differentiate them from the competition. Without quality, helpful content (and lots of it), you’re lost in a school of fish that are all the same color. Who’s going to find you? Who’s going to pick...

Lucien Engelen: Crowdsourcing & Healthcare — The Future!

Who Is Lucien Engelen I am very excited to say that tomorrow will be our 2nd CrowdChat. And we will be speaking with Lucien Engelen -- Director of Radboud REshape & Innovation Center. Engelen is passionate about healthcare. And what I find most impressive is that...

How the Use of Crowdsourcing is Empowering the African Citizen

911 Data Collection 240 million phone calls are made to 911 in the U.S., every year. The number in Europe is probably higher. The number in most African countries is impossible to ascertain. 911 and its variants across the globe are an old example of crowdsourcing...

Video: Crowdsourcing Week Speaks with Max Sidorov on Google Hangout

Yesterday I published an article where I discussed some of my personal feelings about Max Sidorov. And last night Epi Ludvik and I where able to speak with Max. We used Google+ Hangouts on Air -- it was fun and Epi was feeling rather comical last night. Obviously, I...

10 Reasons Crowdsourcing will Transform the Way we Work

Mechanisms such as Crowdsourcing are about to fundamentally change the way we perform and organize work. Conventional organizational structures are about to become more loose and in addition to (well known) outsourcing initiatives, companies have to consider...

Max Sidorov Social Maverick or Just a Nice Guy

So what has not been said or covered by the media when it comes to Max Sidorov. Some call him a saint, others call Max a hero but Karen Klein just calls Sidorov -- “a nice guy.” Personally, as a father and son, I would just like to shake his hand and buy him a beer or...

Our Interview With François Petavy, CEO of eYeka

eYeka leverages the world’s creativity to enable organizations and people to create a better future together --eYeka And eYeka has worked with companies such as P&G, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Danone, Hyundai and Microsoft --  to generate new ideas. Presently,...

How the World’s Top Brands use Creative Crowdsourcing

How the World’s Top Brands use Creative Crowdsourcing

Interbrand's ranking of the 100 Best Global Brands ranks some of the most famous brands in the world based on "all the many ways in which a brand touches and benefits its organization - from attracting and retaining talent to delivering on customer expectations"....

Liza Alert Uses Crowdsourcing To Find Missing Children

There is no better use case for crowdsourcing than leveraging the power of the crowd to find abducted children. And this is the core mission of There is nothing more terrifying for a parent than realizing that your child is not where you left him or...

Will The US Ignite A New Evolution In Crowdsourcing

Will The US Ignite A New Evolution In Crowdsourcing

Sir Tim Burners Lee is one of the most influential men in human history. Why -- well on December 25, 1990 he invented, a little thing called, the World Wide Web (the Web). And over its 22 years -- the Web has connected 2,267,233,742 people on planet Earth. With the...

The Daily Crowdsource Is Launching Crowdopolis In LA

Crowdsourcing has most certainly been getting a great deal of attention over the past few years. And perhaps the origins of that attention can be traced back to Jeff Howe or Barry Libert or perhaps James Surowiecki or even David Bratvold. David is the CEO and founder...

David Bratvold, CEO of Daily Crowdsource, Talks About Crowdopolis

David is what we call an industry leader in the crowdsourcing space. He is CEO and founder of Daily Crowdsource. The media property is less than two years old but Bratvold has been able to turn the young property into a goto crowdsourcing resourceThe Daily Crowdsource...

Andy Zynga of NineSigma Talks About NineSights

I first spoke with Andy in early May and he was educating me on open innovation. And on June 5th, NineSigma launched the first open innovation social media destination, NineSights. I was very curious about NineSights so I decided to reach out to Zynga to learn a bit...

The World Wide Fund Uses Crowd Intelligence

The World Wide Fund Uses Crowd Intelligence

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Switzerland) and  Chaordix are working on an idea -- use the Swiss crowd, specifically startups, to develop new sustainable consumption ideas. Chaordix will be engaging its crowdsourcing community -- WWF Green Ideas -- to uncover...

Will Fansourcing Change Social Shopping, Ask Needle

Will Fansourcing Change Social Shopping, Ask Needle

So we talk a great deal about how companies and governments are using crowdsourcing, from co-creation to designing a new troop transport vehicle. But what if I told you that a company is using crowdsourcing  -- more specifically fansourcing -- to supplement your...

PyBossa Brings Crowdsourcing To The Open Source Community

When we talk about crowdsourcing as a work process we normally think of paid work -- contests, macrotasks or microtasks. But what if I told you that we are only tapping into a portion of the crowdsourcing work potential? You have heard of open source? Open source is a...

Unilever Taps The Crowd For Help In Their Sustainability Goals

In November of 2010, Unilever established the -- Unilever Sustainable Living Plan. The plan set forth is an ambitious ten year program, towards sustainable growth. Unilever explains that the Plan not only addresses their operations but they are also taking...

Australian-based CrowdDesign Launches

Australian-based DesignCrowd has just launched And although the Canadian branch still has the word “beta” in its name -- that has not deterred the over 76, 000 designer from signing-up. And it looks like is already running its first...

The Revolution Mosaic Is Going To Crowdsource A Mosaic

The Revolution Mosaic, was just released, in the App Store and is ready to crowdsource a mosaic. “This year, 360,000 iPhone photos will come together to form one iconic image that will last forever in the Apps Store, on the Internet, and on posters around the world,...

USAID Is Using Crowdsourcing To Map Its Impact

The USAID embraces crowdsourcing? The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) was created by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Its primary responsibility is distributing civilian foreign aid. Part of the USAID mission statement is: “Economic growth is key to...

Will the United Nations Support Crowdsourcing Sustainability

Crowdsourcing sustainability -- is that even possible? Well that is what Jacob Scherr -- Director of Global Strategy & Advocacy Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) -- is hoping for. The UN is holding a conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this June, it’s...