debt crowdfunding

How To Power Decentralization Through Crowdsourcing

How To Power Decentralization Through Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing can be a powerful tool for decentralization because it allows for the distribution of tasks and decision-making to a large group of people, rather than relying on a centralized authority. The benefits of crowdsourced decentralization include a greater...

Top Equity Crowdfunding Sites in North America

Top Equity Crowdfunding Sites in North America

Equity crowdfunding is an alternative finance model that leverages the power of the internet for owners of privately-owned businesses to raise funding by offering shares. At the same time, it allows private investors to buy equity in businesses that they believe are...

Crowdfunding For Causes Does More Than Raise Money

Crowdfunding For Causes Does More Than Raise Money

The crowdfunding platform GoFundMe recently announced it had broken the $30 billion barrier for the total amount of money people have raised on it. We are all quite aware of the multitude of individuals who have asked for donations to help pay medical bills, education...

Top 5 Toy Innovations Crowdsourced by LEGO IDEAS

Top 5 Toy Innovations Crowdsourced by LEGO IDEAS

Crowdsourcing is basically putting questions or tasks out in the open to a large group of people to receive their input for the sake of innovation. Toy bricks company LEGO is included in most search results of global companies that use crowdsourcing. After finding...

Top 5 Ways Crowdsourcing is Transforming the Workplace

Top 5 Ways Crowdsourcing is Transforming the Workplace

Crowdsourcing is having an ever-increasing impact on businesses. That’s whether an established company is integrating crowdsourcing into its processes, often through accessing collective intelligence, or a new business is based from the outset on crowdsourcing...