by Markus A. Kassel
Editor’s note:
No Matter How Hard You Try, You Always End Up Giving Up? Is Your Lack of Self-Discipline Preventing You from Reaching Your Goals and Dreams?
Even the best-laid plans are not worth a dime if you can’t stick with them long enough for them to bear fruit. What you need, if your willpower constantly gets in the way of your success and happiness, is to build IRON-CLAD SELF-DISCIPLINE!
Learn to Say No to Temptation and Strengthen Your Resolve
The key to feeling fulfilled and getting ahead in life is to accept temporary discomfort. You have to learn to push through and say “no” to your cravings of the moment, so you can accomplish the bigger dreams that lie beyond. However, this is easier said than done! Like most living beings, we’re wired for instant gratification. When we see something we like, we want it right now! It’s IN us. With IRON-CLAD SELF-DISCIPLINE, you will learn how to resist the urge and stay on the wagon that will lead you to the bigger achievements of life.
Get Rid of Your Addictions and Form New Healthier Habits
Impulses can turn into addictions if you don’t put a stop to them fast. And then, you’re stuck with not only guilt but harmful habits that hurt your health, your family, your business and everything you care about! If you want to make the most of the time you’ve been given and accomplish your dreams, you need to change your habits and replace them with the behaviors of the successful. This manual will show you the best way to proceed in that sense.