Author: Jeremy Heimans & Henry Timms
Editor’s note: For most of human history, the rules of power were clear: power was something to be seized and then jealously guarded. This “old power” was out of reach for the vast majority of people. But our ubiquitous connectivity makes possible a different kind of power. “New power” is made by many. It is open, participatory, and peer-driven. It works like a current, not a currency–and it is most forceful when it surges. The battle between old and new power is determining who governs us, how we work, and even how we think and feel.
Applying action intelligence in an era increasingly shaped by new power, this groundbreaking book offers us a new way to understand the world, our role in it and what you can do about it now. Read more
“If you want to understand how the world is changing, what’s really happening and how we can all find our way, this book could not becoming at a better time.”