Customer Experience Accelerates the Future
Vincent De DobbeleerEnergy Transition is a hot topic for several years now. We have all become aware of the necessity to change the way how we consume, produce and transport energy. The centralised energy world is behind us for several years now, being in a transitory time towards a decentralised energy world and beyond (= distributed energy system(s)). Most energy professionals and companies are aligned on the fact that decentralised energy production is here and smart meters & grids are a necessity in the not so distant future. Some countries have taken initiative, while others are still lagging. All of them have forgotten the fact that fast adoption by the market (i.e. the consumer) of new systems and models is best achieved by addressing the customer needs, not just in words, but really addressing them as they are expressed. In the past 1.5 years, we have designed a business model based upon digital technologies available today doing exactly that: addressing customer needs while increasing the speed of adoption of the future energy system.