Jean Rognetta

President, PME Finance


PME Finance



A financial journalist with a strong technology background (or the reverse), Jean writes for Les Echos and Capital Finance, respectively the leading financial daily and private equity newsletter in France. In 2010, he became president of PME Finance, an independent, non-profit think tank bringing together leading entrepreneurs, financiers and politicians in France. It is dedicated to the financing and growth of small and medium businesses. The Observatoire PME Finance regularly publishes comprehensive data on the field. As a journalist, Jean specializes in venture capital, technology transfer and generally innovation finance.


Opening Keynotes

09:00  -  10:15 
Chancellery Auditorium  

Panel 1: Juncker Plan

10:15  -  10:30 
Chancellery Auditorium  

Panel 2: Capital Markets Union and SMEs

10:30  -  11:15 
Chancellery Auditorium