John B. Rogers, Jr.

CEO and Co-Founder, LM Industries Inc.

CEO & Co-Founder 

LM Industries 


John B. Rogers, Jr. is the CEO and co-founder of LM Industries, which exists to shape the future for the better. LMI makes technology forward products using the four pillars of our innovation ecosystem: co-creation, microfactories, direct digital manufacturing, and lab partnerships. The team begins every product with community-powered, human-centered design and by reinventing manufacturing with microfactories, we create big things on a smaller scale for the local communities that actually need them. LM Industries’ process breaks down the barriers to sustainable product development – reducing waste, consuming less energy, and ensuring we use only the materials we need. We have the unrivaled capacity to make the improbable come to life. Based in San Francisco, LM Industries is the parent company of Local Motors and Launch Forth.