Ludwig Melik





Ludwig is the CEO of Planbox, an agile innovation management platform, and IdeaConnection, an open innovation expert solver network. With more than 20 years of experience, Ludwig is an esteemed thought leader and domain expert in full lifecycle innovation portfolio management, emerging tech empowerment, and ecosystem enablement. Throughout his tenure, he has helped organizations across industries build a sustainable business strategy embedded in a culture of innovation. Prior to Planbox, Ludwig co-founded Tenrox, a bootstrapped startup that became a project management software leader. He was also President of Upland Software and led the company to complete six acquisitions and IPO on the Nasdaq within 30 months. Ludwig is deeply engaged in and actively contributes to global innovation communities such as The Conference Board, Project Management Institute (PMI), International Institute for Learning (IIL), and Innovation Leader. Ludwig also acts as a member of the ISO 56000 Committee for Innovation Management and works closely with leading analysts to help shape tomorrow’s innovation systems and standards. He authored the Future-Fit Manifesto, the Next Generation of Agile, co-authored the book “Optimizing Project and Service-Oriented Organizations” published by Wiley, and has an authoritative blog on LinkedIn in which he regularly explores becoming future-fit through a creative lens.