Nadine Levick, MD


Founder, iRescU, USA

Dr. Nadine Levick, is an Emergency Medicine physician, interdisciplinary researcher, and innovator. She is the Founder of the iRescU Project – a social good crowdsourcing Defibrillator (AED) mapping initiative recognized by the Bloomberg Data for Social Good Exchange 2016 and 2017, the New York City Economic Development Corporation 2016, and recipient of the 2014 American Heart Association Innovation Challenge Award as well as being invited to the White House Safety Data Jam. She has held senior Faculty positions in preeminent academic centers including Johns Hopkins and Columbia University, in USA and the Royal Melbourne Hospital and also the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia. She also volunteers as a member of the New York City Medical Reserve Corps and chairs ANB10(5) EMS Safety Subcommittee of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies for Science Medicine and Engineering. She conducted the first ambulance vehicle to vehicle crash tests and has published extensively. She has been awarded in excess of $3 million in research funding and is Founder of the EMS Safety Foundation, Objective Safety information portals. She is a sought after national and international speaker on EMS Safety, and given key note addresses across 8 continents and has been recognized with a number of prestigious regional, national and international research and leadership awards including 2016 New York Excellence in EMS Safety and Quality, the 2003 International Society of Automotive Engineering Women’s Leadership Award, for her EMS interdisciplinary and knowledge transfer research.