
Discover the impactful ways crowdsourcing – the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or group for a common goal, often for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency – is being applied on many different levels and across various industries.

4 Reasons You Should Use Crowdsourcing

How many times have you said it? How many times have you said -- “only if I had two more people,” “only if I had a bigger budget,” “only if I had more time.” These are all common statements that plague companies of all different sizes. You understand this better than...

Education for All (EFA) Uses Crowdsourcing to Solve Issues

There is no limit to the incredible -- positive -- impact that crowdsourcing has on any one opportunity. Crowdsourcing can be used to solve the most mundane of projects -- to building the most advanced armored personnel carrier for the US military. Education for All...

Let DARPA Tell You Why You Need the Crowd

Do you still have doubt or uncertainty in the application of crowdsourcing? I hear the arguments all the time -- “there are no standards,” “there is no accountability,” “are they skilled labor,” etc. And in all honesty they are not stupid questions. They are...

Josh Soskin Creates a Chevrolet Volt Commercial

It seems that one of the main benefactors of crowdsourcing is the artisan -- specifically filmmakers and photographers. iStockPhoto was one of the first platforms to first be anointed as a crowdsourcing platform. And since 2006 there seems to be a steady uptick in...

Heinz Ketchup Crowdsourcing its New Slogan

So I am a big fan of Heinz Ketchup. I mean, I really like Heinz -- it’s a staple in my household. And while I don’t “Like” them on Facebook -- I think they have taken a bold step in asking its consumers for slogan ideas. Why is this such a bold step? Heinz is using...

298 Years of the History of Crowdsourcing

So what does the history of crowdsourcing look like? I mean everything has to start somewhere and in business the longer it's been around the better -- right? Now while Jeff Howe coined the phrase "crowdsourcing" -- crowdsourcing has been around since at least 1714....

Tim O’Reilly Speaks about the Crowdsourcing Community

Tim O'Reilly is such a wonderful speaker. I met him once at Tools of Change, in New York City. The conversation was very brief but I quickly realized why people gravitate to the man. During this TEDMED talk O’Reilly speaks about the power of communities. He continues...

Crowdsourcing Ethics Why is Important

The question of ethics is always a question. This is true whether you are speaking about personal or corporate ethics. But why am I talking to you about crowdsourcing ethics? I previously explained that crowdsourcing is not an industry but a work process? So how can...

Making a Case for the Use of Crowdsourcing

So why are startups and small businesses driving the growth of crowdsourcing? Why would they be driving a sector that up until 6 years ago was almost nonexistent -- and for the most part is not an actual industry. The basis for this adoption is a near bottomless...

Crowdsourcing Breaks The Enterprise Glass Ceiling

The concept of “crowdsourcing” – which has many varying definitions and connotations–has grown exponentially over the last few years as more and more companies are recognizing the “power of the crowd.” There are many examples of well-known brands putting the power of...