Future of Work

How the impact of artificial intelligence and freelancing aka the gig economy is changing traditional workplace practices

Humans, Robots and the Future of Work

Humans, Robots and the Future of Work

This is a series of blog posts in relation to The Hyperloop of Innovation and Future of Work. First we worked in fields, then factories, and now everywhere and anytime through devices connected to the internet. But what’s next for the future of work? According to Jim...

Crowd Economy Work Opportunities in Sweden

Crowd Economy Work Opportunities in Sweden

Recent CSW articles have looked at Sweden's role as a global leader of innovation and crowdsourcing. It is also the host country for our conference next March, CSW Arctic // Europe 2018. We are all aware the pace of change has become so rapid that educators find it...

New Jobs in the Crowdsourcing Sector

New Jobs in the Crowdsourcing Sector

Media coverage of crowdsourcing-related activities in the various sectors of the crowd economy landscape has graduated out of the specialist platforms focused on by the innovators and early adopters and in to a wider arena. It is widely expected that artificial...

New Work Opportunities in Crowdsourcing

New Work Opportunities in Crowdsourcing

“The Future of Jobs” Report published in 2016  by the World Economic Forum said: “By one popular estimate*, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.” (*Source: McLeod, Scott and Karl...

What did you want to be when you grew up?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

This is perhaps rather an outmoded question, isn’t it, more suited to a “jobs for life” culture. What occupations can people choose that aren’t going to disappear over the next 25 years or so. If Uber has its way automated vehicles will put paid to many taxi and lorry...