Collaborative Economy

Browse posts about the Collaborative Economy, also known as the Sharing Economy – a collaborative economic model built around the sharing of human and physical resources by people & organizations.

New Work Opportunities in Crowdsourcing

New Work Opportunities in Crowdsourcing

“The Future of Jobs” Report published in 2016  by the World Economic Forum said: “By one popular estimate*, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.” (*Source: McLeod, Scott and Karl...

Self Storage Got Bigger with Spacer

Self Storage Got Bigger with Spacer

An Australian entrepreneur who has created has his eyes on the US shared warehousing space market. Spacer is cost-free to storage space owners, and like Uber and Airbnb, the space renters pay a small transaction fee. I had a chance to connect with Michael...

The crowd economy at work in recreational boating

The crowd economy at work in recreational boating

Among the hundreds of exhibitors at the 2017 London Boat Show are several operating with crowd economy business models. This article features three of them, the oldest being twelve years old and the youngest is a brand new company that launched at the show. Beds on...

What did you want to be when you grew up?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

This is perhaps rather an outmoded question, isn’t it, more suited to a “jobs for life” culture. What occupations can people choose that aren’t going to disappear over the next 25 years or so. If Uber has its way automated vehicles will put paid to many taxi and lorry...