Crowd Finance

Collaborative or decentralized models of finance and investing, including equity crowdfunding, reward crowdfunding, crowd currencies, peer-to-peer lending and peer-to-peer commerce.

India’s Top 10 Crowdfunding Platforms

India’s Top 10 Crowdfunding Platforms

The global crowdfunding industry generated about $34.4 billion in capital last year. No reliable numbers are available for India though it is estimated it accounts for a small fraction of this. Yet local crowdfunding sites are proliferating and drawing attention from...

The Ethereum Trilogy Part II – The Two Chains

The Ethereum Trilogy Part II – The Two Chains

I wrote my first post about the DAO heist expecting it to be the end of the story. If it were a film, it would end with the successful hard fork, defeat for the attacker and our heroes triumphantly setting the blockchain back to normal. However, the story didn't end...

How to Crowdfund Without a Lead Investor

How to Crowdfund Without a Lead Investor

“Lead investors” are well-versed, experienced investors who spend the time conducting due diligence on a company, and then invest a large amount in an equity crowdfunding campaign. Lead investors are a catalyst for unlocking investment from others: the funds they...

$50m Ethereum heist had no easy answer

$50m Ethereum heist had no easy answer

This was not a drill. A week before the Brexit panic, panic gripped users and developers of the Ethereum blockchain when flagship application "The Dao" came under attack. The Dao is an example of a DAO: Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, a business whose rules are...

Choosing a crowdfunding platform that’s right for you

Choosing a crowdfunding platform that’s right for you

Once you’ve weighed the pros and cons of equity crowdfunding versus other ways of raising money, you as a company founder will still be faced by a bewildering array of options over funding portals. In any single country where the legislation has been passed, there can...

A New Equity Crowdfunding Definition

A New Equity Crowdfunding Definition

What is the equity crowdfunding definition, anyway? Are there any boundaries to what equity crowdfunding is, and what it is not? It depends very much on who you ask. Previously three aspects were critical for an offer to be considered “equity crowdfunding”: Offers via...