Crowd Tasks

Using requested labor, services, solutions, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from people, typically online and geographically dispersed

BOLD // Crowd 2.0 Powered by AI and Machine Learning

BOLD // Crowd 2.0 Powered by AI and Machine Learning

This is our theme for Crowdsourcing Week in 2020:  BOLD // Crowd 2.0 powered by AI and Machine Learning. It’s where crowdsourcing takes a major transformative step rather than a series of incremental ones. At the same time as recognizing crowdsourcing as a business...

Crowdsourcing Ideas Against Populism

Crowdsourcing Ideas Against Populism

If selfishness is a trigger of many issues in today's modern democracies, as suggested in my previous article, populism could be regarded as a facilitator in this game. That's the topic of this article, with an invitation to you to contribute with your thoughts and...

Building Smart Cities Step By Step

Building Smart Cities Step By Step

55% of the world’s 7.7 billion people already live in urban environments, and this figure is rising fast. With the simple act of a footstep, Pavegen’s smart flooring sustainable energy system enables people to physically participate in the sustainable development of...

Searching for the Boldest Citizen Scientist

Searching for the Boldest Citizen Scientist

For centuries, science has been the pursuit of amateur, self-funded and self-motivated scientists: Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin and Thomas Edison – to name just a few. However, in the first half of the 20th century, science became dominated by...

How Crowdsourcing is Making Science Smarter

How Crowdsourcing is Making Science Smarter

Major scientific discovery has traditionally been the playground of one group: the elite. It’s no coincidence that Darwin, Copernicus, and others legends came from well-off backgrounds as scientific breakthroughs often require equipment, access, time and privilege not...

A Thousand Eyes Are Better Than Two

A Thousand Eyes Are Better Than Two

How do you scan an area of 305,000 sq km (118,000 sq mi)? This was the challenge for several countries in 2014, trying to solve the mystery of the lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Tremendous effort and resources were put into finding the airplane’s remains,...

Humans, Robots and the Future of Work

Humans, Robots and the Future of Work

This is a series of blog posts in relation to The Hyperloop of Innovation and Future of Work. First we worked in fields, then factories, and now everywhere and anytime through devices connected to the internet. But what’s next for the future of work? According to Jim...

Sweden is a Crowdsourcing Leader

Sweden is a Crowdsourcing Leader

Sweden is recognised as being at the forefront of using crowdsourcing to develop both business and community social opportunities. Perhaps it’s an almost inevitable extension of central government policy to eradicate gender discrimination and treat everyone equally....

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

In recent weeks, as Trump has assumed his position as the President of the United States, the differences between himself and the Obama administration have become clearer. Despite all odds, however, there is one area common to both administrations that is set to...