Online Communities

Groups of individuals who share a common attraction for a belief, idea, product, brand, cause or business, and interact on web-based platforms

EdTech in Latin America: Three Trends to Watch

When it comes to technology’s education-related potential, it is largely the populations of developing economies who stand to benefit the most. This is certainly the case of Latin America, where the edtech market had a stellar 2012 and is poised to have an even better...

A Quality Framework for Crowds

The number 1 issue facing the entire wave of crowdsourcing companies today is quality.  Everyone can setup a service that is cheaper and has a faster turnaround time, but quality is holding the industry back. In some recent discussions, we came up with a simple...

Jokers In The Pack

In Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight, the villainous Joker uses crowds to facilitate anarchy.  He crowd sources his rebellion via a twisted yet innate understanding of the collective. That it fails is a function of how the culture of popular commerce feels guilty about...

Tim O’Reilly Speaks about the Crowdsourcing Community

Tim O'Reilly is such a wonderful speaker. I met him once at Tools of Change, in New York City. The conversation was very brief but I quickly realized why people gravitate to the man. During this TEDMED talk O’Reilly speaks about the power of communities. He continues...