How an Airbed Disrupted Hospitality: #Crowdchat with JJ Chai Airbnb

Anyone with extra space – an extra bedroom, a spare villa, or an apartment free over the weekend, can share their space to travellers around the world. All this started with an airbed. How did that happen?  As a sneak preview of what you’ll get from the most cutting edge content at Crowdsourcing Week’s 3rd Global […]

CrowdChat 790x300 JJ Chai

Anyone with extra space – an extra bedroom, a spare villa, or an apartment free over the weekend, can share their space to travellers around the world. All this started with an airbed. How did that happen?  As a sneak preview of what you’ll get from the most cutting edge content at Crowdsourcing Week’s 3rd Global Annual Conference in Singapore, we are thrilled to announce our #CrowdChat with JJ Chai, Managing Director of Airbnb South East Asia and India, who will speak about the Airbnb revolution at CSW Global 2015 on April 22.

#CrowdChat is a great way to join in on the conversation, gain visibility and connect with like-minded professionals. If you are a thought leader or a practitioner on sharing economy or merely curious about how collaborative consumption works in the hotel and rental marketplaces, we want to hear from you! Tune in for these discussions:

Join us as we chat with JJ Chai of Airbnb on how an airbed disrupted a billion dollar industry.

#Crowdchat with JJ Chai, Managing Director, Airbnb SE Asia and India

When: April 13, 10AM SGT

(Check the time of the #Crowdchat in your zone here)

Jia Jih Chai is responsible for growing the Airbnb business in SE-Asia and India. As a junior partner at McKinsey & Company, he was advising top telecoms and technology companies in Asia and assisted companies with corporate strategy, marketing, and operations. Prior to that he worked as a product manager at a tech startup, Buildfolio Technologies, building software for the real-estate industry.

On the chat, we will talk to JJ about:

1. An Airbed has disrupted hospitality & travel. What makes @Airbnb different?
2. How is the Asian market different from the west?
3. What’s the greatest challenge for @Airbnb in Asia?
4. Where’s the biggest demand for @Airbnb globally & in Asia? 
5. How is your reaction to competition that use the @Airbnb model?
6. What are the potentials of #crowdsourcing in Asia?
7.  What is your wish list from gov’t & civic authorities in Asian cities?
8. What’s the focus of your talk at #CSWGlobal15?

And many more…

How can you get more out of our #CrowdChat?

Follow all the guests and connect with the participants before or after the chat.

Send us your questions via the hashtag #crowdchat before the chat to help us ensure you get adequate answers. We are part of a global movement, and we understand our chat timing may not work for everybody, so we encourage you to submit questions using the hashtag #crowdchat. We will ensure you are part of the conversation, too!

About Author

About Author

Maria Krisette Capati 玛丽亚

Maria is the Editorial Associate of Crowdsourcing Week in charge of media outreach. She's a major of Business Management and Entrepreneurship and an advocate of faith-based non-profit organizations, women's, and children's rights. When she's not writing and dabbling with the Crowdsourcing Week team, she satiates her wanderlust and travel around Asia.

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