Author: Ray Kurzweil
Editor’s note: Ray Kurzweil, legendary inventor and author of New York Times bestsellers The Singularity is Near and How to Create a Mind, has created inventions and ideas that have changed human civilization. PBS called him ”One of the revolutionaries who made America,” and Inc. magazine name him ”Edison’s rightful heir.”
Now Kurzweil has created a novel and an unforgettable character-Danielle-to help convey some of his most important ideas. Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine, tells the story of a precocious young girl who uses her intelligence and accelerating technology to solve humanity’s grandest challenges. Now if only we can find more courageous visionaries like Danielle. Read more
Ray Kurzweil has been my mentor and an inspiration to all those who desire to impact the world at global scale. In Danielle, you will find his teachings and the principles of exponential thinking that are already changing the world for the better. This work is a brilliant combination of fiction and nonfiction, something that has never been done before. A must-read for young people from 10 to 110!
– Peter H. Diamandis, Cofounder (with Ray) of Singularity University, Cofounder & Chairman of XPRIZE. New York Times bestselling author of Abundance and Bold