Solving Delivery
Ari KestinFedEx, UPS, Postal Service… current delivery services are not sustainable. Ari Kestin, CEO of Nimber explains why people are the solutions to delivery. Everyday people go from one destination to another, usually with some extra space in their car or suitcase. Can we use this already existing resource, this spare capacity, to create a great service? This is the question that sparked the creation of Nimber, a crowd delivery service that has already claimed 1% of Norway’s market share and recently launched in the UK.
Find out what happens when technology, together with humans, transform logistics (one of the largest industries in the world) it into something more efficient, more convenient, more economical, and most of all – an experience. “We are not a delivery service,” Ari says, “We’ve created a resource matching solution for the community.” Even behemoths like Amazon recognize people as the future of delivery, using the crowd for more efficient peer-to-peer delivery.
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