Henra Mayer
CEO, InnocentrixCEO
South Africa
Henra Mayer is the CEO of Innocentrix (Pty) Ltd, an innovation business and technology service company that assists clients to achieve sustainable innovation success.
She has a deep and abiding interest in the role of collaboration and technology in the support of innovation as part of a solution within an ecosystem which includes strategy, people, systems and processes to create value. To this effect Innocentrix created the Thinkubator, a focused innovation facility that provides a collaborative, creative, and stimulating space where ideas are sparked with clients. Pre-identified external stakeholders from the client-company’s eco-system also join in the conversation. Innocentrix aims to assist clients to bring innovation to life, aligning strategic imperatives to drive results and build successful innovation eco-systems that showcase the impact of innovation.
Ms Mayer currently serves as TT100 (Top Technology 100) and Innovation Index Awards adjudicator. She also acted as adjudicator for the University of Pretoria on their annual innovation in Engineering competition as well as for the FASA (Franchisee Association of SA) Awards. She also performed the role of editorial panelist for The SA Innovator Magazine, contributes articles to various local and international newspapers and business related magazines and regularly appears as guest speaker on the topic of innovation and entrepreneurship on radio and television shows, including Radio 702, SAFm and the television shows Talk with Noleen on SABC3, ENews Africa’s Aginst all Odds and the SABC’s Newsroom.
Previous work experience includes strategic consulting, lecturing and student mentorship at Universities like the University of Pretoria (UP). She holds a BA Languages degree from the University of Pretoria, a qualification in Business Leadership (PBL) and a strategic innovation related Masters Degree in Business Leadership (MBL) from UNISA.