Announcing The Second Round of Young Leaders Selected as YAP Fellows for CSW Global 2015

We are thrilled to announce the second roundup of YAP (Young Achievers Program) Fellows who will be joining us in the upcoming CSW Global 2015 in Singapore.
YAP global 15 round 2

We are pleased to announce the second batch of YAP (Young Achievers Program) fellows for Crowdsourcing Week Global Conference 2015. Only 10 days to go to the most anticipated crowd conference of 2015 and we are thrilled to meet and greet these young promising leaders and future global innovators.

The first five young leaders selected as YAP fellows are coming from Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand. Today, join us as we acknowledge the second class of YAP fellows representing their homelands: Cambodia, India, and Singapore. Do you want to join? Applications are still open; apply now to be considered for the next announcement round.

Stephanie Arrowsmith, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 

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YAP-stephanieFor the past year, I’ve been actively working on building the profile of crowdsourcing (and crowdfunding more specifically) in the Asia-Pacific region in my role as Asia-Pacific lead and Manager of Global Partnerships at StartSomeGood. Being selected as a YAP fellow will allow me to connect and learn from leaders and influencers in the global crowdsourcing movement, so that I can enhance my own leadership and knowledge in this field, as well as share my expertise in crowdfunding with other fellows. In particular, being based in Cambodia, I have a special interest in leveraging technology and crowdsourcing for social impact in developing economies. I am also helping catalyse the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Indonesia, through “Impact Network ID” – a collaboration of multilateral NGOs, social enterprise, coworking spaces and incubators in Jakarta. I feel that I have the right experience, networks, entrepreneurial spirit and passion to carry forward the crowdsourcing movement, particularly in Asia. 

Work focus: The majority of my experience pertains to global crowdfunding and how it applies to the social impact sector. Working with social entrepreneurs, NGOs, government and community groups, I’ve seen how crowdfunding can disrupt traditional funding methods to help launch and scale social good initiatives, while building a community of supporters around a particular issue. I’ve personally helped launch over 100 crowdfunding campaigns on and have consulted on a number of issues related to social crowdfunding in Asia-Pacific – including running workshops in Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and speaking at conferences or representing as a panelist at events across the region.

Naveen Nandan, Singapore, Singapore


YAP-naveenI’m currently a millennial Researcher with SAP Asia investigating the topic of Smart Cities and how Crowdsourcing can be used as an effective enabler of Smart Cities. Being a Young Achievers Program fellow would help me as a millennial researcher from an industry R&D team to further my knowledge on crowdsourcing methods and technologies. The fellowship would also help accelerate my thought leadership in being able to translate my ideas around crowdsourcing into products for Smart Cities. 

Work focus: I’m a Programmer by Passion, Data Scientist, and currently a Researcher with SAP Asia focusing on Urban Information Systems. Prior to this role I was working with the MIT SENSEable City Lab at the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) on real-time and distributed systems, a Singapore startup and the Education & Research department at Infosys. My work has been published at various scientific conferences and workshops (IEEE, WWW, PAKDD, etc.). My current research interests are in applying machine learning, network theory, geospatial data mining, crowdsourcing and pervasive technologies to deliver relevant location-based services to mobile users that could improve their overall experience in, both, the virtual and the physical world. I enjoy teaching/mentoring, music and strumming the guitar.

Nithish Monson, New Delhi, India


YAP-cadmonkyI am one of the founders of CadMonky, a managed crowdsourcing platform for architectural firms. Cadmonky leverages cloud softwares like autocad 360, Revit Cloud to allow hundreds of workers to work on a project at the same time.

We currently have clients from US and Europe. As budding entrepreneurs in crowdsourcing space, we believe our presence will be valuable in YAP.

Work focus: Our interest is in crowdsourcing skilled professional tasks, enabling businesses to tap into a talent pool on demand. To make it easier for architecture enterprises, We came up with a unique model involving two tier of freelances( managers and workers). Managers break the projects into smaller tasks and assign it to the workers; they are also responsible for coordinating, reviewing and compiling the work. This model would ensure quality and enhance efficiency.

Shreya Bisht, Gurgaon, India, 

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YAP-shreyaAs a co-founder of CadMonky, I have been closely working in the crowdsourcing space. Cadmonky is a managed crowdsourcing platform for architectural firms, which allows multiple users to work on a project simultaneously. In the past 4 months, we have marketed our services across Europe and USA and acquired our initial round of Clients from there. In order to reach even more architectural professionals, we are looking for fresh ideas and expert opinions on our Venture. Being a YAP fellow will greatly benefit Cadmonky and its goal to maximize innovative worker force in the field of architecture.

Work focus: My specific interest is in exploring the potential of crowdsourcing in the field of Architecture. I believe that architectural enterprises can benefit greatly in terms of efficiency, productivity and innovation if they were to fully utilize the extensive talent pool available to them through crowdsourcing.

Chui Ling Wong, Singapore, Singapore


YAP-chiulingI am a scientist with a greater goal to create environmental sustainability through technology. My vision is to ultimately have circular economy with environmental sustainability in clean tech space within the country. This change is necessary for the population in Singapore is growing, however resources are lacking. The old business concept of continuously using earth’s resources and disposing them has resulted in environmental issues. We should now try to create innovative system/products that will increase longevity, multiple re-use, and eventual recycling. Currently I am creating a new waste plastics recycling method while trying to interest the public in actively participating in recycling.

Work focus: My interest is to learn more about how crowdsourcing in bringing collaborations suitable in clean tech space, mitigating risk and understanding achievable milestones in every funding rounds and how to create a sustainable business in clean tech.

Join us in congratulating our YAP Fellows on LinkedIn & Twitter. We all will surely be seeing more of them in the future! 

About Author

About Author

Maria Krisette Capati 玛丽亚

Maria is the Editorial Associate of Crowdsourcing Week in charge of media outreach. She's a major of Business Management and Entrepreneurship and an advocate of faith-based non-profit organizations, women's, and children's rights. When she's not writing and dabbling with the Crowdsourcing Week team, she satiates her wanderlust and travel around Asia.

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