Collaborative Engagement to Shape the Future of Crowdsourcing

Wikistrat and Crowdsourcing Week are organizing an exclusive, virtual exercise called “The Future of the Crowdsourcing World.” It will take place from September 27 to 29, 2016 and you can be part of it. Through taking part you will understand your industry trends, brainstorm a range of strategies, engage with other industry leaders and clients […]

Written by Clive Reffell

Wikistrat and Crowdsourcing Week are organizing an exclusive, virtual exercise called “The Future of the Crowdsourcing World.” It will take place from September 27 to 29, 2016 and you can be part of it.

Through taking part you will understand your industry trends, brainstorm a range of strategies, engage with other industry leaders and clients and promote your brand: apply now to be involved.

Wikistrat operates a global network of over 2,000 subject-matter experts working collaboratively via their online platform to help decision-makers identify solutions to complex strategic challenges. This three day simulation is a collaborative engagement exercise that will bring together a wide range of crowdsourcing companies, thought leaders and industry experts who will present their vision for the future of the crowdsourcing world, analyze the drivers and trends that will shape it, and explore future crowdsourcing applications.

The simulation is by invitation to selected applicants, and will involve more than 40 participants. We aren’t looking for just Directors or CEOs but also people with direct and relevant experience and people in relevant current roles, including the industry’s key decision-makers, IT and tech journalists, bloggers, academics and subject-matter experts.

Involvement can be on a company or a personal basis. Companies and individuals who want to apply to join the event can fill out this form. Wikistrat is asking companies to include two to four topics they wish to raise and discuss in the exercise, describing each in a short paragraph. You can consider topics in any area from the 14 parts of the crowd economy landscape.

How much time do you need? The simulation will run on Wikistrat’s online platform, allowing real-time, collaborative crowd work wherever you are. Involvement is flexible and requires from just one hour per day that you could do maybe 10 or 15 minutes at a time, plus 30 minutes for voting. So if you could fit in a 2.5 hour minimum participation around your existing schedule for these days then click here now to sign up and be involved!

Collaborative Engagement to Shape the Future of CrowdsourcingBenefits of involvement:

  • Understand your industry trends. Recognize megatrends and best practices — and the impact they will have on your business.
  • Brainstorm a range of strategies. Each company will be able to present their ideas and vision, and engage like-minded peers on related strategies and business applications.
  • Engage with other industry leaders and clients. The exercise will provide you the opportunity to interact in discussions and to familiarize yourself with other industry leaders and clients.
  • Promote your brand. Active companies will receive their own branded virtual discussion board, and will be featured in the exercise’s final products. They will also receive a first-edition report before anyone else.

Findings from this simulation will be presented and discussed in a dedicated session at CSW Europe 2016, our week-long crowdsourcing  conference in Brussels running November 21-25. Tickets are available here.

About Author

About Author

Clive Reffell

Clive has worked with Crowdsourcing Week on sourcing and creating content since May 2016. With knowledge and experience gained in a 30+ year marketing career based in London, UK, he operates as an independent crowdfunding advisor helping SMEs and startups to run successful crowdfunding projects, and with wider social media and content marketing issues.

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