CSW Summit Brussels: A Primer on the Collaborative Economy for Decision Makers

CSW Summit – Brussels will be dedicated to a series of four roundtable discussions aimed to provide in-depth insights into the collaborative economy.

Written by Priti Ambani

CSW Summit Brussels
Day 2, June 6, of the CSW Summit – Brussels will be dedicated to a series of four roundtable discussions aimed to provide in-depth insights into the collaborative economy. 
Everybody is talking about the collaborative economy but implementing crowd innovation at an organizational level could seem overwhelming to many decision makers. Through the CSW Summit Brussels roundtables, the focus will be to address the needs of today’s leaders to bring about meaningful change.
What’s in store for you?
Roundtable participants will include executives, CEOs and decision makers from enterprise and government. You will hear our expert curators present case studies and discuss crowd applications to different verticals and learn of specific strategies to integrate crowd solutions into organizations. The small group interactions will bring plenty of opportunity for questions and specific case-studies. You can also use this event to expand your network to include progressive leaders in Belgium and beyond and connect with global experts on the collaborative economy.
What is the structure of the discussion?
The participants will be divided into 4 groups of 10 with every group spending 45 minutes at each roundtable through rotation. The carefully curated topics and selection of expert curators reflect the pertinent topics that affect leading organizations leaders in our hyper-connected society. The format of each interactive roundtable will include-
  • Brief group introductions
  • Case study or studies – by roundtable curator
  • Input by supporting curator
  • Analysis / Applications to different verticals – group discussion
  • Wrap Up / Questions
Details of the roundtables and curators:
1. Co-Creation & Customer-Led Innovation:
This panel will highlight and discuss ways enterprises can use collaboration to innovate with their communities on their products, service and marketing. A keen community can offer feedback, market data and validation and co-create a better organization.
Sean Moffitt, Managing Director, Wikibrands
Sean is an award winning author and well-recognized thought leader in company innovation, brand leadership, social influence marketing and online community building, marrying his passion for grassroots engagement, digital technologies and the brand. He has been an executive-level marketer, agency leader and consultant, in roles bridging the traditional and digital divide for over 15 years, helping executive and brand teams power the collaborative enterprise.
Shelley Kuipers, Founder/CEO, Chaordix
Shelley is an accomplished and highly successful entrepreneur. After years of pioneering work in the emerging field of crowdsourcing, she founded Chaordix in 2009, helping clients such as P&G, University of Oxford, American Airlines, and Orange Telecom to gain a new level of market intelligence through crowdsourcing.
@shelleykuipers, @chaordix

2. Improving Innovation & Efficiency in Large Organizations:
Crowdsourcing and customer-led innovation are not marketing fads. They have led to a new economy, new markets and services and the future is exciting. This roundtable will take a deep dive into a collaborative process for innovation and efficiency at enterprises.
Wim Soens, Cognistreamer
Wim held several positions within Siemens prior to founding and performing as Managing Director of Indie Group, an internet company specialized in e-Communication and e-Commerce. Few years later, Wim started to work in the area of online collaboration platforms and innovation management and founded CogniStreamer. He developed a unique innovation management concept (ThistleTube®), a key element of CogniStreamer’s powerful collaborative technology which is now enabling community based innovation in many leading companies worldwide. Wim specializes in collaborative innovation networks, innovation management, the fuzzy front-end of Innovation, collective intelligence, group decision support systems, intelligent agents, semantic web.
Domenico Rossetti, EU R&D Innovation European Commission
Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero is Principal Administrator at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Currently, Domenico is responsible for the European forward looking activities, mostly foresight and forecast and topics realted to economy of services and the post-carbon society.
Domenico is author of more than 100 scientific and general articles (in English, French, Italian and Spanish) concerning EU studies, research, energy, environment and technological development.
3. Crowdfunding & Finance (reward, donation, equity):
Crowdfunding has turned into a sought after mode of finance, not just for fledgling startups but also for SMEs to Fortune 500 companies. Large organizations tap into crowdfunding to support innovative new startups and test market validation. Investment portfolios are being bolstered through crowdfunding. This roundtable will delve into the new applications in crowdfunding and the regulations that crop with this new financing option.
Jose Zurstrassen, MyMicroInvest
Passionate about start up and venture capital, José is serial entrepreneur and business angel. His expertise and help is sought in order to challenge business models, manage growth challenges, create customised financial structure and solve technological issues.
@jozez, @mymicroinvest
Koen Panis, Loyens & Loeff
Koen is member of Loyens & Loeff’s Banking & Finance Practice Group and of the Renewable Energy Projects Team in Brussels. He specialises in project financing, development and management. He has developed a leading expertise in the renewable energy sector (onshore and offshore projects; wind and solar energy; biomass). He has expertise in secured financing (more especially in asset based finance and commodity financing) and in capital markets related matters.
4. The Maker Movement & New Business Paradigms:
What opportunity is the 3D printing and the maker movement bringing to your sector? This access to technology has decentralised the process of designing and producing goods. Creativity and ability is everywhere — how can this movement translate into newer, better business paradigms in different verticals.
Mario Fleurinck, Melotte
Mario is a passionate serial entrepreneur with focus on the development of sustainable manufacturing technologies. He is the CEO of Melotte, a digital manufacturer of complex mechanical solutions to the petrochemical and chemical industry, dental and medical markets and the engineering industry. With these innovations he aims to create business models that go far beyond the economic globalisation. He believes that technology and manufacturing are playing a significant role in redesigning our social economic models. Inspired by his holistic view and in the light of growing global economic and geopolitical unbalance, Mario emphasizes on a decentralised approach with focus on optimal energy and material resources management.
Martijn Joris, TWIKIT
Martijn founded Twikit, a Belgian start-up that builds easy creation tools, allowing consumers to create unique products and bring them to life with 3D printing. Twikit is pioneering a new way of using digital production technologies in the creation of customized consumer products. Before founding his startup, Martijn worked on the democratization of 3D printing at Materialise (and i.materialise), one of the world’s leading 3Dprinting companies.
Expert commentator: Deepak Mehta, 3DEE
Deepak is a tech evangelist for 3D printing and is perched at the intersection of a creative world of design jewelry, a business-driven world of mass-manufactured jewellery and a technological world of 3d-printing and mass-customisation.
Day 2, June 6’s agenda begins with lunch and networking session at 11:30 am. Introductory talks and roundtables begin at 1:30 pm. See complete agenda here.
About Author

About Author

Priti Ambani

Priti Ambani is the Global Media Director at Crowdsourcing Week, a thought leader and prominent writer on social enterprises, start-ups and web 2.0 businesses. Previously, Priti grew Ecopreneurist, a nascent green business blog into a notable social business resource as site director and managing editor. Working from the ground up, she has developed successful business and communications strategies for impact organizations that aim to create social, environment and economic wealth. Priti is a Professional Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Biological Resources Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park.Priti lives in the Washington DC Metro area with her husband and sons, is a lover of the outdoors, traveling and from-scratch cooking!

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