Crowdsourcing Week is pleased to officially introduce our new Chief Operating Officer, Paul Niederer. Paul is an equity crowdfunding expert, consultant, speaker, mentor and known for his wicked sense of humor with an endearing Australian accent. He is joining Crowdsourcing Week’s operation side as COO and was also appointed as the Managing Director of CSW2, our consulting subsidiary.
Paul will be focusing on developing new products and services, which we all look forward to as we roll them out in the upcoming months. Together with Paul, we are cooking up something special on October in the equity crowdfunding arena, so watch out for that!
About Paul Niederer
Paul Niederer is one of world’s leading authorities on equity-based crowdfunding investment. He has personally been involved in over $60 million worth of transactions with 80 different companies seeking capital. As the previous CEO of ASSOB, he supported high growth companies and investors in obtaining funding through Peer-to-Peer investing. Ven Report included him in the Top Ten of the World’s Most Influential in Equity Crowdfunding.
In his new role as Chief Operating Officer of Crowdsourcing Week and the Managing Director of the CSW2, Paul will be responsible for executing the vision of the company and delivering cutting-edge knowledge solutions on the crowd economy.
If you want to know more about crowdfunding, investments, equity, and anything under the crowd finance revolution, Paul is the perfect man to tip you off about what works and doesn’t work in these areas. Paul has spoken at a number of events worldwide, including the annual Crowdfunding Boot camp in Las Vegas, the Crowdfunding Asia Summit in Singapore, INSME Academy’s How Small Businesses Can Embrace Crowdfunding for Success, the WASME 19th International Conference on SMEs in Durban, the Crowdfund Investing Innovation Forum in Orlando with the topic “Fraud and the Crowd” and an International Business Angels Event in Amsterdam, and of course Crowdsourcing Week’s global conferences, summits, and workshops.
Paul will also be speaking at Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2015 in Brussels, Belgium on October 20. Please help us welcome Paul to the Crowdsourcing Week team!