Companies Supporting Challenge Detroit in 2013-14
Detroit, the iconic American city will never leave the public eye. Once representative of America’s manufacturing powers, the city has fallen with the challenging economic climate, even recently filing for municipal bankruptcy. Many see this city as a land of missed and lost opportunity that can never quite return to its former glory. Many others see the downfall as a clean slate to begin again — and build a better city.
Challenge Detroit, an initiative of The Collaborative Group wants to lead re-innovation in Detroit by focusing on people – bringing the best and brightest minds to Detroit.
Challenge Detroit is a leadership and professional development program that has invited 30 of tomorrow’s leaders to live, work, play, and give in and around the greater Detroit area for one year.
These 30 participants work at host companies on full time jobs and spend a day of the week working on revitalization projects in Detroit. The 30 participate in monthly team challenges designed to positively impact the community while keeping the fellows as well as the followers of Challenge Detroit engaged. Every Friday, they work in teams to generate innovative and impactful solutions to pressing needs faced by partner non-profit organizations. Fellows also participate in a leadership and mentorship program to develop their skills as leaders in the region.
In its second year now the program has picked 33 fellows to participate from 700 applications. The initiative hopes that these change leaders will not only live, work and play in Detroit but also give to and lead communities to inspire new possibilities for Detroit.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead