#Crowdchat with Steve Jennings, NordicDEi : Democratizing the Power of Data

Crowdsourcing Week is hosting two crowd chats as we head to CSW Europe 2014 in Copenhagen from Oct 14-16, 2014.    #Crowdchat is a great way to join in on the conversation, gain visibility and connect with like-minded professionals. If you are a thought leader or a practitioner on the crowd economy or just plain curious about collaboration in […]

Written by Priti Ambani

CSW-Crowd-chatCrowdsourcing Week is hosting two crowd chats as we head to CSW Europe 2014 in Copenhagen from Oct 14-16, 2014. 
#Crowdchat is a great way to join in on the conversation, gain visibility and connect with like-minded professionals. If you are a thought leader or a practitioner on the crowd economy or just plain curious about collaboration in the digital world, we want to hear from you!  Tune in for these discussions:



#Crowdchat 1: Democratizing the Power of Data with Steve Jennings, Founding Partner – NordicDEi, Sept 15, 2014, 3pm UK  (Check time in your city)


Steve Jennings

About Steve:

Steve was the founder of Maxim one of Europe’s leading sports nutrition companies. He’s a member of the founder team of the Canadian open-source non profit organization Bicycles for Humanity and a founder of humanity benefit organization iEmpowerment.

He was one of the founding members of PepsiCo’s global good-for-you nutrition innovation team, and also helped to develop PepsiCo’s initial social media, and cause marketing strategy.

He was the co-founder and CEO of GoodCred a Swedish company focused on customer journey engagement, transaction and currency innovation.

Steve is one of the founding partners of the Nordic Data Empowerment Initiative (NordicDEi), which democratises the power of data, and enables new economic growth opportunities that deliver measurable social impact.

We are thrilled that Steve will join us in Copenhagen and this #Crowdchat will provide a preview to his background and  forthcoming talk. Below are some of the topics we will be talking with Steve.

  • Customer data is worth $$$. But who is getting rich?
  • Internet companies have our data. Do we have a voice?
  • What is collaborative data?
  • Is it time for “small data” to take the spotlight?
  • How is collaborative data relevant with IoT?

How can you get more out of #Crowdchat?

About Author

About Author

Priti Ambani

Priti Ambani is the Global Media Director at Crowdsourcing Week, a thought leader and prominent writer on social enterprises, start-ups and web 2.0 businesses. Previously, Priti grew Ecopreneurist, a nascent green business blog into a notable social business resource as site director and managing editor. Working from the ground up, she has developed successful business and communications strategies for impact organizations that aim to create social, environment and economic wealth. Priti is a Professional Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Biological Resources Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park.Priti lives in the Washington DC Metro area with her husband and sons, is a lover of the outdoors, traveling and from-scratch cooking!

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