Asia is currently one of the most exciting and fast-growing hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship in the world. Within this regional ecosystem, the Singapore-based innovation academy JFDI.Asia has built an extraordinary community of practitioners who accelerate, finance, and teach new startups.
We are thrilled to have JFDI.Asia cofounder Hugh Mason join us on #Crowdchat March 6, 8pm SGT (7am EST) to talk about how innovation is accelerating in Asia, and explain JFDI.Asia’s role in transforming ideas into valuable young businesses. JFDI.Asia ’s accelerator program has an astoundingly high 60% success rate, taking groups of entrepreneurs from concept to investment in 100 days.
A successful entrepreneur and investor, Hugh has mentored over 300 innovative ideas, people, and companies in his journey to build companies around creative people. In this #Crowdchat we will explore the culture of innovation in Asia and what it takes to thrive as a startup in this region today. As always, we’ll be opening the floor for questions! What would you like to ask Hugh?
Party Details:
What: Hugh Mason: Accelerating Asia’s Innovation Ecosystem
When: Wednesday, March 6th: 8pm SGT | 7am EST | (Check time in your zone)
Where: Twitter hashtag #CrowdChat
Who to Follow/Panelists:@HughMason, @lplus, @crowdasia, @rskemps
Moderators: @Crowdweek
Brand: @JFDIAsia
Some of the Twitter Questions we will be asking:
Q1. JFDI believes innovation is evolving from an art into a science. Is innovation something that can be learned?
Q2. Beyond financing, what are three crucial resources for launching a successful startup in Asia?
We look forward to chatting with Hugh, join us!