Life Interrupted: My CSW Global Story by Mark Philpott

Mark Philpott, Corporate leader turned social entrepreneur and homeless man by choice, gave a talk at CSWGlobal14 that was a revelation. This post first appeared on his blog where he talks about his experiences at CSW Global in Singapore. I have just spent some time attending and speaking at a Global Crowdsourcing Week here in Singapore this week. […]


Mark Philpott, Corporate leader turned social entrepreneur and homeless man by choice, gave a talk at CSWGlobal14 that was a revelation. This post first appeared on his blog where he talks about his experiences at CSW Global in Singapore.

I have just spent some time attending and speaking at a Global Crowdsourcing Week here in Singapore this week. WOW. What a cool event, first of all Epi, Priti and the team who pulled the event together they embraced the passion and desire to share with as many people as they can this phenomenon that is sweeping the world. CROWDING.

There was a great bunch of speakers, subject matter experts, and incredible people in the audience to make this one of the most enjoyable events I have ever attended. Folks, get ready, this is going to be a sea change like you have never seen before, and it is already well underway. 

In a scientifically weird kind of way I realized this past week how my own journey fits rather well into this new shift in paradigm that is already sweeping the globe. Imagine for a second, taking the whole notion of Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding to a completely different level, and making it very, very personal. 

Well that’s what I am doing. 

Before I get into that, let me explain simply what Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding actually are. Crowd Sourcing comes in the way of using a global community to support, activate and support any kind of project (that’s my definition). In this day and age we are all connected, and via the internet we can build communities to achieve almost anything.

Crowdfunding works in exactly the same way, reaching out to the global community via new, soon to become traditional means, to open source finance solutions for projects you want to develop. I put these two together, and I come up with Crowdsourcing + Crowdfunding = CrowdOpolis

In 2012 I sold nearly everything I owned in this world,  and ended up with one suitcase, and a back pack, and I decided to CROWD SOURCE and CROWD FUND my entire life. In 2013 I travelled the world and participated in my own project, the Humaneity Global Sports Challenge. I competed in spontaneous sporting events and even created some of my own with the help of the CROWD. 

It resulted in me traveling over 86’000 kilometers, and staying in nineteen different households as I parachuted into people lives all over the planet. I transformed my life.

Now in 2014 I am still Homeless, and this year  I will re-launch my company Humaneity, via the Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding methods. That will mean that I have placed my entire well being into the hands of humanity. I want to prove to the world beyond any reasonable doubt,  how much love, generosity, intelligence, and funding is available out there to make any dream you have in life come true. 

I dare to risk it all, but to me it’s not a risk, what cost is it to live a life like never before, that is priceless. You can follow that entire journey right here on my blog and on my Facebook page at

Think of all of the amazing things you can do to help people achieve their goals in life by being part of a Crowdfunding of Crowdsourcing campaign. 

Start today, check it out. Come on, let’s all change the world today, and make a more positive social impact.

The World Spins.

About Mark

Mark Philpott spent over twenty years in the international corporate world as a global executive with the world’s largest international logistics and supply chain company, DHL. In the course of his career with DHL, he lived in three different continents and has also worked on various international assignments in no fewer than 140 countries. In December 2012, Mark took the decision to transform his life by becoming a Homeless Man. Traveling the world while being one hundred percent reliant on the goodwill of his friends and supporters to house him, Mark had sold all of his life’s material possessions but for – one suitcase, one backpack, and a laptop bag.

Today Mark doesn’t have an official place of residence anywhere in the world. He continues his journey of self-discovery, as he shares his incredible story with audiences around the world. 

About Author

About Author

Crowdsourcing Week

Crowdsourcing Week is a global forum committed to educating decision makers on the power of the crowdsourcing ecosystem and the positive impact it can have on the brand and its stakeholders. We catalyze discussion and learning among enterprise-level executives, entrepreneurs, and financiers on best practices in the new crowd-driven era of business.

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