What is the Potential of The Crowd Economy?

What is the crowd economy? You may know it as the sharing or collaborative economy that presents an economic opportunity for ordinary citizens to monetize idle resources like an extra bedroom, tools or their car. But it also includes crowdfunding, crowdsourced services and crowd-lancing.

Written by Priti Ambani

What is the crowd economy? You may know it as the sharing or collaborative economy that presents an economic opportunity for ordinary citizens to monetize idle resources like an extra bedroom, tools or their car. But it also includes crowdfunding, crowdsourced services and crowd-lancing.

The crowd economy not only provides a basis for more efficient use of resources, but also reduces the strain on the environment and ecosystem services that are fast depleting.

Take a look at this video that shares some mind -boggling numbers on the potential of the sharing economy.

This video was produced by Uniiverse, a web based local marketplace to share and connect with people in real life.


About Author

About Author

Priti Ambani

Priti Ambani is the Global Media Director at Crowdsourcing Week, a thought leader and prominent writer on social and environmental enterprises, start-ups and Web 2.0 businesses. As the Director and Managing Editor of Ecopreneurist, Priti has been instrumental in growing the site into a notable social business resource.Specializing in her ability to work with impact organizations from the ground up, Priti has developed successful business and communications strategies for fledgling start-ups, social and environmental enterprises. She also serves as a sustainability consultant at GreenDen consultancy and advises on CSR and the triple bottom line. Priti is a Professional Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Biological Resources Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park.

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