#Crowdchat with Haydn Shaughnessy, The Disruption House

The shift to the crowd economy is already here. As we count the weeks before the Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2015 (#CSWEurope15), we are thrilled to announce our very first #CrowdChat session with one of our speakers, Haydn Shaughnessy on September 15 at 8:00 PM CET. This is a sneak preview of what you will get […]


The shift to the crowd economy is already here. As we count the weeks before the Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2015 (#CSWEurope15), we are thrilled to announce our very first #CrowdChat session with one of our speakers, Haydn Shaughnessy on September 15 at 8:00 PM CET. This is a sneak preview of what you will get from the most cutting edge content on the crowd economy. Haydn is scheduled to speak on October 22 program, Sustainable Europe: Participatory Government & Energy Transition.

#Crowdchat is a great way to join in on the conversation, gain visibility and connect with like-minded professionals. If you are a thought leader, practitioner, influencer or merely curious why the crowd is an engine of growth in today’s open, connected and transparent world, tune in for these discussions:

When: September 15, 8:00 PM CET

(Check the time of the #Crowdchat in your timezone here)

csweurope2015-haydnshaughnessyHaydn Shaughnessy is the Co-Founder of The Disruption House. At Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2015, he will share his insights on why “the crowd is already the engine of growth.” Described as “one of the most refreshing thinkers of innovation,” Haydn’s passion is to help people understand how disruptive forces will reshape their markets, careers, and companies. He’s the author of the two books, The Elastic Enterprise and SHIFT, described by Forbes as everything you need to know about the digital economy. He has shown how innovation and disruption are structured events, increasingly shaped by the actions of people in open ecosystems. Haydn brought a systematic rigor to how the crowd is changing politics, economics, and society.

Here are some of the questions we will be asking Haydn:

  1. Tell us about the shift in the economy?
  2. Which 3 verticals or industries is seeing the biggest disruption?
  3. How should enterprises respond to these disruptive forces?

And many more…

How can you get more out of our #CrowdChat?

Follow all the guests and connect with the participants before or after the chat.

Send us your questions via the hashtag #crowdchat before the chat to help us ensure you get adequate answers. We are part of a global movement, and we understand our chat timing may not work for everybody, so we encourage you to submit questions using the hashtag #crowdchat. We will ensure you are part of the conversation, too!

Note: Haydn’s book, SHIFT is included in our CSW Book Club. Whether you are just new in the crowdsourcing space, have intermediate knowledge or a practitioner, feel free to grab a copy now for more thought-provoking, inspiring insights of the future.

Get ready to jump on many of the above conversations at CSW Europe in Brussels, Oct 19-23, 2015. Take a look at the agenda and don’t miss the opportunity to network and connect with the best European minds on the crowd economy. 

About Author

About Author

Maria Krisette Capati 玛丽亚

Maria is the Editorial Associate of Crowdsourcing Week in charge of media outreach. She's a major of Business Management and Entrepreneurship and an advocate of faith-based non-profit organizations, women's, and children's rights. When she's not writing and dabbling with the Crowdsourcing Week team, she satiates her wanderlust and travel around Asia.

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