Museum Tour – The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution

Caitlin Haynes, Carrie Seltzer, Dr. Elizabeth MacDonald, Dr. Joshua E. Schlieder, Marc Kuchner
  • 9:30am –  MEET INSIDE The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institute, Address: 600 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20560, USA
  • 10:00 – 12:30pm –  Tour @ The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institute
  • 12:30pm – BUS LEAVES to Darcy Washington DC Hotel, Address: 515 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005, USA
  • 1:00 – 2:00pm – LUNCH
  • 2:00 – 5:00pm Presentation Sessions
  • 5:00 – END OF DAY 



Oct 27, 2018

09:30 - 17:00

National Air and Space Museum, Address: 600 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20560, USA; Darcy Washington DC Hotel, Address: 1515 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005, USA


Caitlin Haynes

Carrie Seltzer

Dr. Elizabeth MacDonald

Dr. Joshua E. Schlieder

Marc Kuchner
