11 Reasons to Attend Crowdsourcing Week 2014

What are the big developments in crowdsourcing by continent, and which industries are most positioned to be transformed? What's the progress of crowdsourcing inside corporations? Wikibrands' Sean Moffitt answers in the January 15, 2014 #CrowdChat hosted by Crowdsourcing Week.

Written by Priti Ambani

Visit Singapore

So we are in the midst of designing and finalizing the content for our 2nd Annual Crowdsourcing Week Global Conference in Singapore, and if I can say so – it is coming along splendidly. If you haven’t seen it yet, head over there to see the speakers and the agenda we are building.  So immediately the thought of writing a ‘Top 10 reasons to visit Singapore and participate in the week-long CSW conference’ post came to mind. Then I came across Sean Moffitt’s blog post on why he is excited about CSW’14. It hit the nail on the head and what’s more, Sean has 11, yes eleven reasons to visit Singapore. Case rested.

So without any further wait, here are the 11 reasons Sean Moffitt is looking forward to visit Singapore – take that the usual – Top 10 list! Sean writes –

Why am I excited (and why should you be too)?:

Here are 11 good reasons: 

#1 It’s Singapore – a vibrant world capital, some great cultural fusion, a gateway to Asia and one of the most innovative cities/countries in the world and for us freezing Northerners – the average temperature drifts from a very respectable 26 C to 36 C.

#2 New Insight – we will be unleashing our newest research from our 2014 Global Crowdsourcing Survey. I’ve seen some of the toplines and the insights will provoke, surprise and inform – to be part of the discussion, help us tap your insight here 

#3 Jeremiah Owyang, Chief Cayalyst – Crowd Companies – I’ve seen and respected Jeremiah’s work for the better part of a decade, first at Forrester, then at Altimeter and now at CrowdCompanies – he is steeped in online communities, open innovation and crowd sourcing. I look forward to meeting him up close and in person. You’ll meet other top thought leaders in the run up to the conference during #crowdchat – a twice monthly Twitter chat on the most interesting, perhaps irascible, topics on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.

#4 A Global Orientation to Crowdsourcing – last year,  we had 26 countries recognized on stage for their informed use of crowd sourcing, expect the same cosmopolitan and sophisticated global outlook again this year .

#5 It’s About Growth and Maturation – if last year was our birthing of the first global conference on crowdsourcing, this year represents adolescence – given crowdsourcing and now crowdfunding’s new growth, new developments, corporate and consumer adoption and new regulations, this is the good side of crowdsourcing’s teenage life. It’s even embedded in the low-BS, pragmatic theme of this year’s conference  Crowd Impact – Empowering Transformations.

#6 One Day Mini-Summits – we’re extending the insights and conversation that percolate at Crowdsourcing Week around world capitals via One-Day Summits, I’m empowered to bring one to North America, if not in my native Canada, then somewhere in the US – come be a part of the development and maybe I’ll drag you across the ocean to speak or connect at our North American summit.

#7 New Frameworks and Paradigms – my consulting house Wikibrands is eager to interact and collaborate with the best thinkers, best practitioners, best platforms and best participants to further our digital and customer engagement consultancy repertoire and thought papers. Guess where the best chance you get to see crowdsourcing’s best players in one place over one week? 

#8 Mergers and Acquisitions – we see the world of crowdsourcing operationalizing itself for scale through expanded geographic coverage, mergers, acquisitions, global partnerships – I always like to be on the ground floor of these deals and say “I knew when “so and so” met “so and so”. Crowdsourcing Week will be where it happens.

#9 Bitcoining and 3D printing  – heh, the conference is accepting Bitcoins (very novel)! And I surreptitiously won a 3D printer from Asia’s biggest crowd sourcing campaign last year Pirate3D – time to pick it up. Wonder what the organizers have in store this year?

#10 Where Professional and Personal Mix – since many of us travelled far to get there, I met a number of really interesting new friends and colleagues from all four corners of the world last year – and we had great food and discussion (along with the location of the first Singapore Sling – Raffles Hotel – overpriced but I had to have the authentic experience. I may even tack on a few days of social that I didn’t do last year.

#11 The Venue – we are having most of the performances happening in the Genexis Theatre of Fusionopolis – one of the best designed performance centres in the middle of Singapore innovation central. Book some additional time to see the region’s sights and connect with Singapore’s business leaders.

So why not join me and other crowdsourcing and crowdfunding luminaries and smart thinkers. Register yourself now and let’s make plans to connect when you get there.  

Are you going to join us? What is your reason? Now is a great time to register. Early bird ticket sales end March 1, 2014.

About Author

About Author

Priti Ambani

Priti Ambani is the Global Media Director at Crowdsourcing Week, a thought leader and prominent writer on social enterprises, start-ups and web 2.0 businesses. Previously, Priti grew Ecopreneurist, a nascent green business blog into a notable social business resource as site director and managing editor. Working from the ground up, she has developed successful business and communications strategies for impact organizations that aim to create social, environment and economic wealth. Priti is a Professional Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Biological Resources Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park.Priti lives in the Washington DC Metro area with her husband and sons, is a lover of the outdoors, traveling and from-scratch cooking!

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