Crowdsourcing Week is collaborating with Nordics SOCAP and Living Bridges Planet to facilitate a unique global conversation on crowdsourcing for social good. The conversation begins on Oct 1 with a introductory webinar that will highlight best practices for collaborative innovation to solve societies challenges.
What’s going on in Digital Social innovation? Citizen Services? Crowdsourced governance? We are inviting all you social innovators to follow and be part of the online discussion leading up to Crowdsourcing Week Europe Conference in Copenhagen, Oct 14-16.
What: Introductory Webinar on Crowdsourcing for Good
Where: Online at
When: Oct 1 6pm Berlin/Stockholm, 9am San Francisco, 12am Singapore time (next day) Check the time in your city.
What to expect?
- Bert-Ola Bergstrand, Chairman and co-founder at Social Capital Forum, will open the ‘Crowdsourcing for Good’ webinar.
- Priti Ambani, Global Media Director of Crowdsourcing Week will give an overview of the social innovation space powered by crowds and will highlight the goals for this dialogue.
- Vinay Dora will talk about mapping of the Indian and Asian crowdfunding field.
- We will then introduce Babele, a collaborative platform for idea exchange- that we will use to assimilate ideas generated through this two-week social experiment.
- The conversation doesn’t end with the webinar but only begins here. The floor will then be open to social entrepreneurs to share their story, comments, questions and ideas through various platforms and will culminate with thoughts and ideas stemming from a Nesta supported Digital Social Innovation session at Crowdsourcing Week Europe in Copenhagen on Oct 14.
Follow the conversation on social media.
Hashtags: #CSWEurope, #Nordicsocap
Twitter handles to follow:
- Crowdsourcing Week: @crowdweek
- Living Bridges Planet: @LivingBridgesP
- Priti Ambani: @envirotarian
- Bert-Ola Bergstrand: @contchange
- Vinay Dora: @2catch22
- Nesta: @nesta_uk
Looking forward to a great conversation.