CSW London 2013 Showcases Crowd Solutions

Crowdsourcing Week’s (CSW) London Summit on Oct 3, 2013 was a great success with a special focus on how enterprise and startups can rely on crowdsourced solutions to help them grow the long-term viability of their organizations. With KPMG as our premier event partner, the topics highlighted the current business operating climate in the UK as […]

Written by Priti Ambani

Crowdsourcing Week’s (CSW) London Summit on Oct 3, 2013 was a great success with a special focus on how enterprise and startups can rely on crowdsourced solutions to help them grow the long-term viability of their organizations.

With KPMG as our premier event partner, the topics highlighted the current business operating climate in the UK as well as globally. Rapidly changing & emerging disruptive technologies, increasing cost of business and competition spell a need for innovation, an agile team and strategic approaches that harnesses connectivity and new web solutions.

Epi Ludvik, the founder of Crowdsourcing Week opened the summit by elaborating on CSW’s mission and its special focus in Asia. His slide pictured below sums up the reason why Asia is going to be a powerful epicenter of crowd practice and innovation.

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Klaus Woeste of KPMG took stage to introduce KPMG’s Crowd Connection and how they are working with clients to help bridge through cultural change and enterprise challenges. He also elaborated on KPMG’s partnership with Chaordix’ technology to foster internal “stakeholder crowd” for innovation.

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The Summit had 3 main focus areas-

1) Crowd solutions for Enterprise 

In addition to the talk from KPMG, this track included great presentations from- Shelley Kuipers of Chaordix, who talked about internal and external innovation, Simon Hill’s presentation drew the audience into Wazuko’s platform for bringing idea management to organizations like BBC. Andrew Laughlan from the blur group  discussed ways businesses can re-invent commerce.

2) Creativity for Large Brands

Presentation in this area included Bruno Pellegrini from Userfarm who talked about ways to bring creativity to large brands. Nick Bennett from Starcount encouraged brands to think about the real value of their fan communities.

3) Crowdfunding for Business Finance

Darren Westlake’s talk was a primer on equity crowdfunding where he highlighted Crowdcube’s record equity crowdfunding raise from the HAB project. Paul Higgins from Crowd Valley talked about the different crowd investment models available today. Simon Dixon from BankToTheFuture.com highlighted the intersection of crowdfunding with investment banking.

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We have received some great feedback from the event and look forward to producing high quality events that bring together expert partners and decision makers in enterprise, startups and government. You can view and share presentations from the event here.
Would you like to learn something specific about crowdsourcing or would like Crowdsourcing Week to come to your city? Please let us know via our contact page. We would love to hear from you! You can also join our mailing list here.
About Author

About Author

Priti Ambani

Priti Ambani is the Global Media Director at Crowdsourcing Week, a thought leader and prominent writer on social enterprises, start-ups and web 2.0 businesses. Previously, Priti grew Ecopreneurist, a nascent green business blog into a notable social business resource as site director and managing editor. Working from the ground up, she has developed successful business and communications strategies for impact organizations that aim to create social, environment and economic wealth. Priti is a Professional Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Biological Resources Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park.Priti lives in the Washington DC Metro area with her husband and sons, is a lover of the outdoors, traveling and from-scratch cooking!

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