Drumroll please! We are pleased to announce the first round of successful YAP candidates who will join us at CSW Summit in Venice, March 5 & 6. The Young Achievers Program is a very special initiative that is dear to us at Crowdsourcing Week. After a very successful pilot at CSW Europe (here and here), we are now thrilled that the YAP program will be a part of all our events. The YAP program will release a call for a new members for each future Crowdsourcing Week conference, cumulating to form a growing community of extraordinary future leaders.
We had a great response to the call for applications and here is the first group of bright minds from around Italy who are making their mark in crowdsourcing, open innovation and more! Let’s say hello and take a peek into their stories.
Alessandro Casarotti
LinkedIn | Twitter
“I want to learn and share best practices of crowdsourcing for personal and professional growth, while being part of a a unique network sharing the same vision and mission. I have an interest in open innovation inside SMEs, precisely Green Tech and Food Industries.”Work focus:
We founded Empleko, which is one of the first start-ups in Italy aiming at developing open innovation process and culture inside SMEs. Our initial idea was to develop a crowdsourcing platform to share best practices for NGOs, but in 2012 it was too early. Nowadays UN and Red Cross are working on these systems and I would like to collaborate on this more social innovation side, besides the expertise on SMEs.
Giovanni Bianchi
“Becoming a YAP fellow is a brilliant chance for our start-up to gain momentum and to become more widely known among the crowd economy crowd. I look for potential synergies and partnerships with other start-ups in the field, which, I believe, would render all parties stronger.”
Work focus:
We are developing a carpooling solution to fight traffic and pollution and help people get around the city in an economical and social way. We are all about crowdsourcing urban mobility as we are creating a peer-to-peer carpooling service to help people get around the city. Our start-up is composed of driven young innovators and we strongly believe in crowd economy ‘s potential to make our cities better.
Francesca Frisanco
“I am conducting a research project about crowdsourcing in the framework of my Master’s thesis. It is a grand opportunity for me to be present at CSW and look for exclusive data and inspiration from key opinion leaders in this fascinating field.”
Work focus:
My thesis is about crowdsourcing and I am driven by creative contests on crowdsourcing platforms. I am really looking forward to meet young entrepreneurs and innovators who are changing the way we perceive economy and global sharing.
“It will be my pleasure to share experience of our start-up, Fusedrops, that has been working across Europe on topics of creative industries and crowdsourcing. I want to share our vision and bring insights gained through our collaboration with several institutions, hubs and experts in the field.”
Work focus:
We see crowdsourcing as a fundamental aspect for innovating the crowdfunding model and for creating a culture around specific topic such as service design thinking, social innovation, decision making processes and crowdfunding itself. Fusedrops combines crowdfunding with crowdsourcing elements to improve interactions among people and experts.
Giulia Widmann
“I am attending a Master’s Degree Programme in Marketing and Communication at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. In particular, I am interested in new ways of collaboration and co-creation in the firms’ communication activities and I am attempting to experience them as directly as possible.” Work focus:
I got acquainted with crowdsourcing for the first time when I attended a university course in Economics and Management of Innovation. Now, as I decided to write my thesis about crowdsourcing, I focus on its implementation in the firms communication activities. I hope, that my thesis can be handy for those who are curious about innovative implementations in their daily work.
Viviana Munari
“Crowdsourcing intrigued me to the point that now it is the topic of my graduation thesis. I want to stay connected and updated on opportunities by learning from innovative speakers and sector experts. Being involved in such events as Crowdsourcing Week helps to look beyond, improve and stimulate creativity. So, participation in this event will surely “baggage” for my professional future.” Work focus:
I am particularly interested in interaction between companies and users by means of crowdsourcing. I want to know more about tools, which are needed to stimulate users to generate content. Moreover, I want to study benefits that companies get from crowdsourcing and how crowd economy is gaining its importance. In my thesis I will be glad to work on different cases such as, for example, ZOOPPA, Airbnb etc. to analyze and compare.
Congratulations fellows!!
And there you go, our chosen 6 will participate in
CSW Summit Venice, a 2 -day summit (March 5 & 6, 2015 at H-Farm Ventures), where
Italian and international speakers will gather to share how crowdsourcing is shaping their industries and is transforming organizations today. The summit will be an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge with Italy’s innovators and change makers.
Program fellows receive complimentary Full Access Pass to CSW Summit Venice and access to CSW’s network of top voices in the crowd economy, recognition at the conference, and continued membership in an exclusive community of global youth innovators.