David is what we call an industry leader in the crowdsourcing space. He is CEO and founder of Daily Crowdsource. The media property is less than two years old but Bratvold has been able to turn the young property into a goto crowdsourcing resourceThe Daily Crowdsource team has been hard at work putting together Crowdopolis. This is the outlets first conference and it looks like it’s going to be a great success. And with partners such as Gigaom and The Next Web, I am not the only one that thinks this conference will do well.
Let’s take a look at my interview with Bratvold.
CSW: In less than two years Daily Crowdsource has become a respected source — why did you start the company?
DB: I love helping people & helping businesses grow, & Daily Crowdsource aims to do just that.
CSW: Many people have incorrectly defined crowdsourcing as a market. I know that you have taken up the fight to correct that misconception — by defining taxonomies and suggesting structure, why?
DB: Because we’re here to help! We want & like to help businesses be better, so we don’t want to mislead them with the common misconception that crowdsourcing is the “next great thing.” We still think it’s a great thing once clearly understood, so we want to provide accurate information to our readers. From our very foundations, we’ve always provided accuracy.
CSW: Crowdopolis is taking place on July 19th. Why do you think it’s time for Daily Crowdsource to host a crowdsourcing conference?
DB: We’ve been getting inquiries from people that want to learn the crowdsourcing space from a neutral party. Being the largest neutral voice in crowdsourcing, we’ve been wanting to hold a conference for about a year and a half. So here we are!
CSW: What needs to happen in order for executives to start viewing crowdsourcing as a tool that can solve real problems, like — significantly improving research and development.
DB: Executives need to see how several Fortune 500 companies are already using crowdsourcing. They also need to realize the next 5-10 years will show us how some businesses will stay ahead or fall behind based on whether or not they’re crowdsourcing; much like outsourcing vastly improved business processes in the 90’s. Companies that learn to use crowdsourcing effectively will see a massive surge in productivity & consequently, decreased costs. Crowdopolis aims to teach people this!
I am very excited for David and the Daily Crowdsource team and I wish them the very best with Crowdopolis. And I agree with Bratvold — executives need to be shown how powerful crowdsourcing is. And conferences like Crowdolpolis are crucial in that education.
What are your thoughts on executives adopting crowdsourcing as a work process tool?