Let’s Learn as a Crowd too!

Reposted from Wikibrands blog The Big Idea – Polling the world’s top thinkers and practitioners on the most relevant and important aspects of crowd movements. AKA – the 34 questions you always wanted to know about crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, open innovation, the community enterprise and the social economy. Timing – we are taking your responses until the March 15th, […]

Written by Sean Moffitt


Reposted from Wikibrands blog

The Big Idea – Polling the world’s top thinkers and practitioners on the most relevant and important aspects of crowd movements.

AKA – the 34 questions you always wanted to know about crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, open innovation, the community enterprise and the social economy.

Timing – we are taking your responses until the March 15th, 2014 and will be presenting first results April 8th, 2014 at Crowdsourcing Week in Singapore.

Why This Idea is Important:

 the crowdsourcing economy is growing at a clip of 90%+ per year, outpacing nearly all other parts of the digital world economy.

– this is truly a global phenomenon – although opportunities and issues are different, growth is happening on all continents.

– Fortune 500s, not-for-profits, startups, garage entrepreneurs, NGOs and governments are all kicking the tires of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and community-enabled projects.

Why This Idea is Different:

– we are polling a broad cross-section of the crowd movement – across continents, roles and interests.

– we are asking questions in the broadest futuristic context and in the tactical and operational areas of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and open innovation area.

– we have canvassed a global group to see what they are interested in learning about – thus, the results should be stakeholder centric.

– we will be filtering our results with the opinions of some of the best global thinkers AND practitioners on crowdsourcing

What is your Incentive for Filling Our Survey Out:

– you have the opportunity to win one of our books – Wikibrands – Reinventing your Company in a Customer-Controlled Marketplace or famed author Lisa Gansky’s book Mesh- Why The Future of Business is Sharing

– you will be the first to get a copy of our toplines

– you will get the opportunity for discounts to our global conference and one-day summits scattered throughout the world

– you will be able to chip in on a foundational study about a disruptive new movement, we may even follow up with an interview or web chat to get some deeper insights from you

– we will have Twitter chats #Crowdchat and group webinars on these topics and invite you first into these discussions

– anecdotally, people have told us that they are as educated and informed by the question & answer selections then by the results

So what do you say… TAKE THE SURVEY NOW!


About Author

About Author

Sean Moffitt

Sean Moffitt lives, breathes and eats the world of winning businesses, leading customer experiences, a full range of digital engagements and top organizational cultures.Viewed as one of North America's leading visionaries when it comes to the intersection of business, brands, new digital media and the customer. Described as the "Reigning King of Word of Mouth" by Marketing Magazine, Sean has expanded his repertoire to include the full range of experiences and talents to build winning and engaged business cultures for 2013 and beyond. Demonstrated expertise and proven results in developing business strategies, brand plans, grassroots/new media marketing, and user experience design. Provocative and insightful media commentator and speaker at now over 80-90 events annually and now critically-acclaimed author of his book manifesto for business "Wikibrands - Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace" published by McGraw-Hill.Sean also has a soft spot for causes being engaged in a number of not-for-profits including the successful Movember campaign and host of the Wikigood #wikichat.

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