I always say that “likes do not save lives” and predict that the future will be about the emergence of web-based channels that allow you to be more productive with your online presence. I like to call this social productivity and I talk about it in a great deal of depth here.
Social productivity is all about creating efficiencies within our companies, nonprofits or governments by using the web and human interactions through it. So when an organization motivates its stakeholders – employees, customers and brand advocates – to engage and move beyond likes and tweets, solve a problem or create a better product or system – they are being socially productive.
A new free platform called Solaborate is helping the technology community to become more productive. Through Solaborate, technology professionals and companies can connect, collaborate and discover opportunities while creating an ecosystem around products and services. The platform has just launched a public beta that will feature top global technology companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, SAP, Facebook, IBM, Samsung and Cisco. Users can post on a wall, follow, message, share rich media content and much more. It differentiates itself in the world of social networking by focusing on the needs of tech professional.
“Our mission is to connect technology professionals and provide a dedicated place for you, your company and your products and services by providing all the tools and services to allow you to be more productive. We understand that it’s important for technology professionals to be able to stay connected and engaged, whether they’re at the office or on the go,” said Labinot Bytyqi, the Founder and CEO of Solaborate.
Now Solaborate has created a place when tech professionals can interact socially with other professionals in the space while becoming more “productive” and narrow their focus while eliminating “noise”. In the future Solaborate will aid collaborations in the technology vertical while social networks amplify the impact of these collaborations to create real value for everyone.