The Truth is, whether you like it or not, you have been programmed.
The architecture of your brain has been massively structured by the digital world. Influencing how you communicate and empathize, create solutions and innovations, and set fire to take ACTION.
The digital world has greatly shaped not just you, but also the Collective Consciousness that drives our society today.
What is this Collective Consciousness? It’s a sociological concept that refers to the set of shared beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and knowledge, that if harnessed strategically for open innovation, collaboration and industry solutions, can be a powerful tool to help us strive to be human-centric and action-bound in a technology-driven society.
Show tangible possibilities and opportunities of harnessing the Crowd for Machine Learning and AI.
Understand what it takes to Innovate with Crowds.
Know what role can the Crowd play in open innovation and insight implementation on Machine-Learning.
Information Technology
Our speakers are open-internet pioneers, enterprise leaders, and disruptive innovators
who understand the fundamental shift towards the new crowd economy. The Crowd 2.0
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