Crowdsourcing informative news and blog

How to Best Use Crowdsourcing in Retail and E-commerce

Crowdsourcing is a powerful tool for retailers and e-commerce businesses to leverage the collective intelligence and creativity of customers.

5 Top European Equity Crowdfunding Platforms

5 Top European Equity Crowdfunding Platforms

Equity crowdfunding is an alternative business finance model that began in the UK with the platforms Crowdcube in 2011, and then Seedrs in 2012. Economies were still reeling after the 2007-9 global financial crash, and banks had much less inclination to lend money to...

Revolutionizing Enterprise SaaS: The Power of Crowdsourcing

Revolutionizing Enterprise SaaS: The Power of Crowdsourcing

In the ever-evolving landscape of Enterprise SaaS, innovation is the key driver of success. One approach that has gained significant traction is the integration of crowdsourcing, the dynamic method that taps into the collective intelligence of a diverse group of...

AI + HI Technology in Practice: Volatile Real-world Applications

AI + HI Technology in Practice: Volatile Real-world Applications

In January 2024 we were excited to announce this year's theme “The Age of HI + AI” which will see the fusion of human intelligence with machine capabilities, propelling us into new frontiers of collective intelligence. This Crowdsourcing Week blog takes a look at...

Pros and Cons of Emerging Blockchain in Equity Crowdfunding

Pros and Cons of Emerging Blockchain in Equity Crowdfunding

The term Web3 refers to the next generation of the internet, where applications are built on top of blockchain networks and smart contracts. Greater introduction of blockchain technology in the Web3 equity crowdfunding model has the potential to make a significant...

How To Power Decentralization Through Crowdsourcing

How To Power Decentralization Through Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing can be a powerful tool for decentralization because it allows for the distribution of tasks and decision-making to a large group of people, rather than relying on a centralized authority. The benefits of crowdsourced decentralization include a greater...

Top Equity Crowdfunding Sites in North America

Top Equity Crowdfunding Sites in North America

Equity crowdfunding is an alternative finance model that leverages the power of the internet for owners of privately-owned businesses to raise funding by offering shares. At the same time, it allows private investors to buy equity in businesses that they believe are...

How To Use Collective Intelligence To Help Employees Quit Smoking

How To Use Collective Intelligence To Help Employees Quit Smoking

We can look forward to a deeper partnership between human and artificial intelligence in 2024. Collective intelligence will increasingly solve complex challenges that require both AI’s pattern recognition abilities and a deep human understanding. Take our post “Why is...

Crowdfunding For Causes Does More Than Raise Money

Crowdfunding For Causes Does More Than Raise Money

The crowdfunding platform GoFundMe recently announced it had broken the $30 billion barrier for the total amount of money people have raised on it. We are all quite aware of the multitude of individuals who have asked for donations to help pay medical bills, education...

Announcing Crowdfunding for Justice and to Protect Civil Liberties

Announcing Crowdfunding for Justice and to Protect Civil Liberties

A crowdfunding campaign looks well on the way to reaching its target of AU$140,000 of donations to fund the post-production (editing) of a film. The film in question is a documentary called “Free The Truth: Free Assange.” Its purpose is to raise public support to...

Top 5 Toy Innovations Crowdsourced by LEGO IDEAS

Top 5 Toy Innovations Crowdsourced by LEGO IDEAS

Crowdsourcing is basically putting questions or tasks out in the open to a large group of people to receive their input for the sake of innovation. Toy bricks company LEGO is included in most search results of global companies that use crowdsourcing. After finding...

BOLD Awards