
Discover the impactful ways crowdsourcing – the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or group for a common goal, often for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency – is being applied on many different levels and across various industries.

Investing in Women is Win-Win For All

 Photo Credit: Sebastiaan ter BurgFemale entrepreneurship is much more than a social issue. Now it is an economic one with a rising generation of 'mumpreneurs' going out and challenging the existing gender imbalance of business.Building confidence“One of the main...

Digital Diplomacy to put Kosovo on the Global Map

“Facebook has recognized Kosovo.” You must have seen these viral headlines about a year ago. Now we get behind the scenes at CSW Europe in Copenhagen and get to know who has driven this change. The project of Digital Kosovo has existed for a little over one year. In...

What Can Happen When Cities Embrace Open Innovation

Crowd-centered innovation has gone from fad to essential. What was the tipping point? Hjörtur Smarason, ambassador for Innovation Embassy discusses what can happen when cities (and their citizens) embrace open innovation in the 10/09/14 Twitter #CrowdChat hosted by...

The 5 P’s of the Crowd Economy

This article by Epi Ludvik is reposted from Virgin Entrepreneur Social connections boosted by the web and mobile networks have seeded collaboration and cooperation like never before. Ironically all this technology has, in more instances than not, helped increase human...

Beyond Privacy & Trust: Data’s New Battleground

Despite increasing invasions of privacy,  we continue to share massive amounts of our personal data online. Yet only an elite few are reaping benefits from all the data we share. Is it possible to unlock the power of data to provide everyone with greater access to its...

The Humanification of Everything

Scores of platform and businesses have adopted the Uber model to disrupt verticals that relied on old models of stocking up commodities, employees or services. They are now looking to connect real-time, custom demand with custom solutions - essentially connecting...