Robin Chase of Zipcar and 3 More Inspiring Women Speakers at CSW Global 2016

Learn from these four exceptionally inspiring women in the crowd economy at CSW Global 2016, on how they harness collaborative business models and principles, providing you practical and provocative action items that you can apply in your organizations and communities. As practitioners with substantial track records in their current fields, this is your chance to […]

Learn from these four exceptionally inspiring women in the crowd economy at CSW Global 2016, on how they harness collaborative business models and principles, providing you practical and provocative action items that you can apply in your organizations and communities.

As practitioners with substantial track records in their current fields, this is your chance to tap CSW Global 2016 speakers’ disruptive minds and capitalize on their areas of expertise such as collaborative consumption, crowdfunding, citizen engagement and collective intelligence.

Robin Chase, Co-Founder, Zipcar, Veniam; Author of Peers Inc

CSWglobal2016_speaker_Robin Chase 2013Disruption at Scale: seeing it, doing it, harnessing it, and guiding it. This new organizational paradigm, people + platforms (Peers Inc), is changing the way we build businesses, work, and ultimately shapes economies. Where do we want this transformation to go?

Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the largest carsharing company in the world; Buzzcar, a peer to peer carsharing service in France (now merged with Drivy); and GoLoco, an online ridesharing community. She is currently co-founder and board member of Veniam, a vehicle communications company building the networking fabric for the Internet of Moving Things. Her recent book is Peers Inc: How People and Platforms are Inventing the Collaborative Economy and Reinventing Capitalism. She is on the Boards of Veniam, the World Resources Institute, and Tucows. She also served on the board of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the National Advisory Council for Innovation & Entrepreneurship for the US Department of Commerce, the Intelligent Transportations Systems Program Advisory Committee for the US Department of Transportation, the OECD’s International Transport Forum Advisory Board, the Massachusetts Governor’s Transportation Transition Working Group, and Boston Mayor’s Wireless Task Force. Robin was a Time 100 Most Influential People in 2009, among other awards in the entrepreneurial, innovation, and design sectors.

Emily Mackay, CEO, Crowdsurfer

Cswglobal_speaker-emilyBeyond the hype: the data truth about crowdfunding. Emily will share the real state of crowdfunding and what the data shows. 

Emily Mackay is the CEO of Crowdsurfer, the world’s data analytics service for crowd finance. Crowdsurfer is bringing big data engineering expertise to crowd/peer finance to help the world understand what’s happening. Crowdsurfer has already unified over 1B data points from hundreds of platforms worldwide and created the world’s fist analytics dashboard. Emily was named in the Top 100 people shaping digital business by TechCityInsider in and is a CEDAR Enterprise Fellow. She exited Microgenius in 2013, the UK’s first community shares platform.

Modwenna Rees-Mogg, Co-Founder, CrowdRating

modwennaHow does crowdfunding ratings work? Modwenna will explain the most important things investors need to look for when investing, when should they invest equity, debt or just go for rewards and more.

Modwenna has 20 years working in corporate finance, business angel investment and venture capital. She started AngelNews 2003 focusing on media and events in the angel and VC market. From £1,000 of start-up capital, she has grown it into the leading information provider and commentator on the business angel market in the UK. The is the broadest commentator on and a thought leader in the angel and wider private investor market (including VCTs and crowdfunding) in the UK.

Heather Leson, Program Manager, Qatar Computing Research Institute

HeatherLesonWho are the digital responders? Where are they? How can we get to the next 1 million people for digital response? Digital Response or Digital Humanitarians self-organize in teams to use their digital skills for many topics from refugee support to disaster response to environmental protection. Heather will walk you through these to understand how collective intelligence, citizen engagement, and mass collaboration works for humanitarian activities.

Heather Leson creates strategic partnerships and builds a community for global open source projects. As the Program Manager, Social Innovation for the Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation she designs and implements programs for social innovation, youth engagement, entrepreneurship, urban informatics, digital response and humanitarian software. Specializing in strategic planning and community engagement, Heather is the President of the Board of Directors for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and a Board Member for PeaceGeeks. Recognized digital humanitarian leader Heather’s honors include the the People’s Choice Award and Crowdsourcing Week cited her in the Top 10 Canadian Experts. Organizations she leads in include the Crisis Mappers Network, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, Open Knowledge Foundation (School of Data), Ushahidi, Random Hacks of Kindness, Mozilla and more.

Already got questions for these inspiring brilliant women? Drop them in the comments!

About Author

About Author

Maria Krisette Capati 玛丽亚

Maria is the Editorial Associate of Crowdsourcing Week in charge of media outreach. She's a major of Business Management and Entrepreneurship and an advocate of faith-based non-profit organizations, women's, and children's rights. When she's not writing and dabbling with the Crowdsourcing Week team, she satiates her wanderlust and travel around Asia.

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