Collaborative Economy

Browse posts about the Collaborative Economy, also known as the Sharing Economy – a collaborative economic model built around the sharing of human and physical resources by people & organizations.

Uber Lesson 101: Focus on the Public Before the PR

How can a week be so messed up for anyone?If you've not been snowed in with Snovember in the US, you would probably know the company in question is Uber. News from Uber has dominated my feed for all the wrong reasons -- and when it rains its pours they say. It will...

The 5 P’s of the Crowd Economy

This article by Epi Ludvik is reposted from Virgin Entrepreneur Social connections boosted by the web and mobile networks have seeded collaboration and cooperation like never before. Ironically all this technology has, in more instances than not, helped increase human...

AirBnB is More Than Its Provocative Logo

AirBnb wants to emphasize the feeling of belonging through its new logo and web redesign with a powerful message - Belong Anywhere. The tech company that has been one of the pioneers of the tech+sharing economy space wants to underscore its message and mission to...