prize challenges

Cryptocurrency in the Time of COVID-19

Cryptocurrency in the Time of COVID-19

The global threat of COVID-19 has crippled the travel and tourism industries, tested the world’s capacity to respond to massive and rapidly growing healthcare challenges, and forced many other industries to adapt to the times lest they sink under the weight of “the...

Using Crowdsourcing to Combat Coronavirus

Using Crowdsourcing to Combat Coronavirus

To combat spread of the coronavirus, this week the Italian Government announced a lockdown of an area in northern Italy that is home to 16 million residents. That has very quickly been extended and the entire population of Italy is being asked to stay indoors. Only...

BOLD // Crowd 2.0 Powered by AI and Machine Learning

BOLD // Crowd 2.0 Powered by AI and Machine Learning

This is our theme for Crowdsourcing Week in 2020:  BOLD // Crowd 2.0 powered by AI and Machine Learning. It’s where crowdsourcing takes a major transformative step rather than a series of incremental ones. At the same time as recognizing crowdsourcing as a business...