Crowd Finance

Collaborative or decentralized models of finance and investing, including equity crowdfunding, reward crowdfunding, crowd currencies, peer-to-peer lending and peer-to-peer commerce.

Top 10 US Crowdfunding Platforms (Reward and Equity)

Top 10 US Crowdfunding Platforms (Reward and Equity)

Reward and U.S. equity crowdfunding lets entrepreneurs and company owners take orders for products or trade shares for investment funds. Who would have thought in 2000 that it would be possible for business owners to raise seven-figure sums from people they didn’t...

Crowdfunding in Italy: all the numbers and platforms

Crowdfunding in Italy: all the numbers and platforms

A snapshot of the amount collected until 2016, with some forecasts for 2017. Having reached the end of the year, it’s time to assess once more the state of crowdfunding in Italy. In Starteed we resumed the work made in May 2016, with a first analysis of market’s...

6 Ways To Rescue Equity Crowdfunding  Campaigns

6 Ways To Rescue Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns

It is always best to get your offer right before launch. So hopefully you will not find yourself in the position where you have a failing campaign on your hands, but what if you need to rescue an offer after it has already launched? Truthfully, it is going to be much...

Online structured learning points the way forward

Online structured learning points the way forward

The internet is playing a bigger role in our lives, at work, buying our groceries, managing our finances, sharing social experiences and otherwise living our lives online. And more and more of us are studying online, at our own pace and at the times we choose....

Is there a sustainable future for solar energy?

Is there a sustainable future for solar energy?

In July 2016 US President Barack Obama announced plans to bring more solar energy to American homes, with a focus on a 10-times increase on the alternative energy for low- and moderate-income households. "Today we're offering even more families and communities the...

Equity Crowdfunding vs Venture Capital

Equity Crowdfunding vs Venture Capital

Venture capital (and angel investors and private equity) were just about the only option for early stage companies to go to when they needed cash, before equity crowdfunding came along. There is no doubt that the right venture capital firm can be a valuable partner....