Crowd Tasks

Using requested labor, services, solutions, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from people, typically online and geographically dispersed

Sweden is a Crowdsourcing Leader

Sweden is a Crowdsourcing Leader

Sweden is recognised as being at the forefront of using crowdsourcing to develop both business and community social opportunities. Perhaps it’s an almost inevitable extension of central government policy to eradicate gender discrimination and treat everyone equally....

Benefits of effective crowdsourcing shown by 10 top US projects

Benefits of effective crowdsourcing shown by 10 top US projects

Crowdsourcing can reduce costs, speed up project timelines, tap in to crowd intelligence and creativity, and engage citizens at all levels of corporate and government processes. It’s not just for new startups, iconic organisations including NASA and GE have specialist...

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

What To Expect From Crowdsourcing in 2017

In recent weeks, as Trump has assumed his position as the President of the United States, the differences between himself and the Obama administration have become clearer. Despite all odds, however, there is one area common to both administrations that is set to...

Introducing the VOLCROWE Project	[Download the Infographic]

Introducing the VOLCROWE Project [Download the Infographic]

A guest post by Volcrowe submitted by Dr. Eun Young Oh, a senior research associate at the University of Portsmouth Business School.   VOLCROWE (Volunteer and Crowdsourcing Economics) is a research collaboration between the Universities of Portsmouth, Oxford,...

Will you Crowdsource your Haircut?

Colleen Flanigan, the coral reef sculptor and TED Senior Fellow, didn’t have time to get a haircut before TEDGlobal back in June. So in the spirit of the conference, themed ‘Radical Openness,’ she crowdsourced one instead, letting dozens of conference-goers each take...

Crowdsource Your Customer Acquisition and Business Development

Using a crowdsourcing site for referrals can be a big time-saver as well. Anyone who owns or runs a business is always trying to maximize his limited time, and online crowdsourcing is very efficient. There is no travel involved, and conversations are limited to the...

Astronomers Welcome All to Identify Stars in Andromeda Galaxy

Astronomers are inviting the public to search Hubble Space Telescope images of the Andromeda galaxy to help identify star clusters and increase understanding of how galaxies evolve. The new Andromeda Project, set to study thousands of high-resolution Hubble images, is...

Will Fansourcing Change Social Shopping, Ask Needle

Will Fansourcing Change Social Shopping, Ask Needle

So we talk a great deal about how companies and governments are using crowdsourcing, from co-creation to designing a new troop transport vehicle. But what if I told you that a company is using crowdsourcing  -- more specifically fansourcing -- to supplement your...

PyBossa Brings Crowdsourcing To The Open Source Community

When we talk about crowdsourcing as a work process we normally think of paid work -- contests, macrotasks or microtasks. But what if I told you that we are only tapping into a portion of the crowdsourcing work potential? You have heard of open source? Open source is a...

NASA News: The US Space Agency Wants You to Build an App

What if you got the call? What if NASA put out an open call and said, “Build me an app!” And guess what, if the Space Agency chooses your app, it will pay you up to $10,000 for it. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is nearly 54 years old. And...

A Crowdsourcing Game to Diagnose Malaria

The Crowdsourcing Survey According to a 2010 Weber Shandwick survey, 44% of the 216 Fortune 2000 Corporate Executives, interviewed, have used crowdsourcing. And 50% of these executives find crowdsourcing very valuable. The perceived value is spread unevenly across 4...

Crowdsourcing Ethics Why is Important

The question of ethics is always a question. This is true whether you are speaking about personal or corporate ethics. But why am I talking to you about crowdsourcing ethics? I previously explained that crowdsourcing is not an industry but a work process? So how can...