
Are You Coming to San Francisco?

Are You Coming to San Francisco?

After six successful years of events that focus on all the paradigms that come with the crowd economy, our #CSWGlobal19 conference next month in San Francisco will take a huge leap forward, solidifying its status as THE learning and networking experience that unlocks...

Democracy Advocate MiVote Expands to the UK

Democracy Advocate MiVote Expands to the UK

1947 the British politician Winston Churchill famously said “…democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” 70-plus years later, industrialised democracies are witnessing the decline of citizen...

Count on Mathesia to Improve Innovation

Count on Mathesia to Improve Innovation

Mathesia is a crowdsourcing-based innovation platform headquartered in Italy, though available globally, that brings together a highly specialized crowd of about 3,000 vetted mathematicians and data scientists from around the world. Since launching in 2014, Mathesia’s...

Crowdsourcing Ideas Against Populism

Crowdsourcing Ideas Against Populism

If selfishness is a trigger of many issues in today's modern democracies, as suggested in my previous article, populism could be regarded as a facilitator in this game. That's the topic of this article, with an invitation to you to contribute with your thoughts and...

Helping Out Your Fellow Humans

Helping Out Your Fellow Humans

PARTICIPATION = SATISFACTION In 1996 Jerry Maguire, an aspiring sports agent, repeated a four word request to his first and only client: "Help me help you!" And you know where that got him. The feedback gave him the direction he needed to become the one of the...

Fielding Open Innovation Challenges in Agri-tech

Fielding Open Innovation Challenges in Agri-tech

As the population grows at an ever faster and faster rate, transforming how the world feeds itself is going to be a necessity. Even though up to a third of the food currently produced goes to waste, incremental improvements to current practices aren’t going to be...