Crowd Currencies

Non-fiat currencies moderated and balanced by the crowd in a distributed, decentralized and publicly-known manner. Often referred to as digital currencies or cryptocurrencies.

Decentralization and Deglobalization

Decentralization and Deglobalization

Crowdsourcing Week’s Theme of 2022 I believe 2022 will be a pivotal year for how we live and work, and for many aspects of the crowd economy. Decentralization and deglobalization deliver a more even distribution of power in society, and it’s our theme in 2022. There...

What Problems Does Bitcoin Solve?

What Problems Does Bitcoin Solve?

Bitcoin’s halving, its third, on May 11 2020 put it back in the news - as if it’s ever far away - and means Bitcoin miners now receive 6.25 bitcoins. We decided to use this event as an opportunity to remind ourselves of the fundamental tenets of this cryptocurrency...

Cryptocurrency in the Time of COVID-19

Cryptocurrency in the Time of COVID-19

The global threat of COVID-19 has crippled the travel and tourism industries, tested the world’s capacity to respond to massive and rapidly growing healthcare challenges, and forced many other industries to adapt to the times lest they sink under the weight of “the...

Is the Fading Popularity of ICOs Terminal?

Is the Fading Popularity of ICOs Terminal?

Cryptocurrencies are massively disrupting the financial sector. This time last year we witnessed something amazing for the first time in history: people became aware of cryptocurrencies at large and started actively buying them, resulting in massive price jumps in...

What is Cryptocurrency?

What is Cryptocurrency?

You can’t look in the news today without some Bitcoin enthusiast or some dumbfounded reporter trying to make sense of cryptocurrencies. It’s seemingly replaced Game of Thrones as the subject of every coffee shop conversation, yet very few actually understand the...

What is Crowdfunding?

What is Crowdfunding?

“Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and of alternative finance.” Source: Wikipedia.There are four main...



[INFOGRAPHIC – UPDATED JANUARY 2018] Bitcoin is a virtual currency that uses Blockchain technology for secure payments and storing money electronically, without requiring a bank or a person’s name. Satoshi Nakamoto created this cryptocurrency back in 2009. The biggest...

How Digital Tokens and ICOs Work for Video Gamers

How Digital Tokens and ICOs Work for Video Gamers

In the 10 years since the iPhone was introduced the computer and video gaming industry has been shifting from stand-alone offline platforms (consoles and PCs) to a $multi-billion online industry with a host of new benefits and possibilities. Mass direct connectivity...

Bitcoin Need Regulation to Boost Growth

Bitcoin Need Regulation to Boost Growth

Whilst Morgan Stanley is heavily interested in blockchain technology, analysts at the investment bank are worried by how Bitcoin is extremely dependent on the governments’ acceptance and regulation for further growth. This was revealed even after the cryptocurrency...