Crowdsourcing informative news and blog

Leveraging Crowdsourcing: A New Approach to Incident Response

How can crowdsourcing help cyberthreat incident response in the face of widespread automated execution and evolution of cyberattacks?

Shelley Kuipers: Participation is The New Brand

Chaordix is an early supporter of Crowdsourcing Week and Shelley is on our Board of Advisors. She will deliver a talk on Growing Global Brands through Crowdsourcing in Singapore. In this presentation, Shelley will reveal how brands are being transformed by tapping the...

Will Pressure from the Crowd Help Improve Your Health?

You can use your smartphone to find a local ATM, but what if you need a defibrillator? Lucien Engelen shows us online innovations that are changing the way we save lives, including a crowdsourced map of local defibrillators. Via TED, Lucien Engelen is a technologist...

Metrics and Open Innovation: What Should We Measure?

This is a difficult topic. There is definitely some merit in the adage of “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. However, I have seen too many examples in which smart people get side-tracked on what really matters – the output – as they try to develop metrics...

Delivers Strategic Insights on the Future of Financing

‘Crowdfunding Day’, the first crowdfunding conference in Amsterdam on April 15, produced by Douw&Koren and Crowdsourcing Week delivered strategic insights for both private and public organizations on the possibilities of crowdfunding.  The hugely successful event,...

Crowdsourcing Conference Brings Early Adopters Together

The Future of Crowdsourcing, Poland’s first conference on April 12  demonstrated the impact and potential of crowdsourcing for marketing to a full capacity audience. Crowdsourcing Week teamed up with MillionYou, Poland’s premier crowdsourcing platform for marketing to...

R&D & Innovation Has Never Been Closer to Customers: Irene Ng

Irene Ng (@Ireneclng), Director of International Institute for Product and Service Innovation (@WMGwarwick), answered questions about value & markets in the digital economy during the April 12 #CrowdChat hosted by (@crowdweek). If you missed...

CrowdChat with Irene Ng: New Markets in the Digital Economy

How has our digital world influenced the manufacture, design, and delivery of products? What will our buying experiences be like in the future – a future when no firm is too big to fail?   Join us on Friday, April 12 for a live Twitter #CrowdChat - to discuss new...

Strategic Insights for Crowdfunding Campaigns

Strategic Insights for Crowdfunding Campaigns

‘Crowdfunding Day’, the first conference in Amsterdam focusing on a new way of raising funds will be held on  April 15 at the VU University of Amsterdam. It will deliver strategic insights for anyone who wants to explore the possibilities of crowdfunding for both...

Publication To Detail & Organize Crowdfunding Developments

The European crowdfunding market is an exciting place to be in. Crowdfunding as a new way to finance business, creative or social goals is revolutionizing the way businesses, artists or even the government thinks about financing. With this new opportunity, comes a...

Potential of Crowdsourcing in Advertising

One of the professional hazards of working in the Brand building industry is that, you’re extremely sensitive to advertising. The fact that it is all around and can range from anywhere between awesome to depraved is unsettling enough to push you off your rocker. The...