csw summit venice

Crowdsourcing Advertising Content in a Changing Industry

Crowdsourcing Advertising Content in a Changing Industry

The concept of crowdsourcing remains sometimes misunderstood, and can still be confused by non-users with outsourcing. Before I launched Crowdsourcing Week in 2012 I ran a virtual advertising agency in New York City, and so I feel perfectly well qualified to talk...

What is Open Innovation?

What is Open Innovation?

It’s possible to find different answers to this question of ‘What is open innovation?’ Though the majority agree it is a process that goes beyond an organization’s own R&D resources and enlists the support of outside help for innovation ideas to resolve...

The Crowdsourced World of Freelancing and Remote Working in 2025

The Crowdsourced World of Freelancing and Remote Working in 2025

Freelance jobs and the remote working future of work have already arrived for a large number of the online white-collar workforce. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report published in October 2020, 84% of employers are set to rapidly digitalize...

The First Crowdsourced NFT and Crowdsourcing NFT Appraisals

The First Crowdsourced NFT and Crowdsourcing NFT Appraisals

Through possession of non-fungible tokens, NFTs, any of us can be the owner of digital works of art, books, music and video content, including iconic moments in sport or other performances and events. Their use extends to event tickets, anything collectible and...

The Ways Crowdsourcing Helps All Parties in the Retail Ecosystem

The Ways Crowdsourcing Helps All Parties in the Retail Ecosystem

Technology has hurt traditional retailing, no question about it. Online shopping has transformed consumer behaviour and a growing switch away from physical trips to stores has been accelerated by pandemic lockdowns and social distancing regulations. Yet technology is...

When to Consider a Specialist Curated Crowd Within Open Innovation

When to Consider a Specialist Curated Crowd Within Open Innovation

When seeking open innovation solutions for vexing problems, many large organizations and companies think they have a binary either/or choice. The perceived choice is to go down a broad crowdsourcing route with a wide range of non-expert potential problem-solvers, or...

Crowdsourcing in the Circular Economy

Crowdsourcing in the Circular Economy

Much of the work and focus in the circular economy is based around disrupting standard linear economy business models of “take-make-waste” to ones where higher proportions of resources can be recycled with minimal disposal. Through using waste as a resource to be...

Crowdsourcing Innovation and Prize Challenges for Sustainability

Crowdsourcing Innovation and Prize Challenges for Sustainability

Some fundamental obstacles prevent most big companies adopting methods or business models that are more sustainable. C Corporation company directors have their hands tied by a legal requirement to maximise shareholder value. Stock markets appear to believe shareholder...

How to Use Crowdsourcing in Advertising

How to Use Crowdsourcing in Advertising

Advertising is one of many business disciplines being disrupted by the ease of crowdsourcing input from a range of remote though specialist advisers and expert freelancers. This is largely, though not exclusively, in the areas of creative design and production. Ease...

How to Use Crowdsourcing in Financial Services

How to Use Crowdsourcing in Financial Services

The past 12 months of pandemic lockdowns and disruption to business through a mass of people working from home has posed a myriad of financial issues across all industries. Apart from internal financial struggles, companies might also be finding it difficult to gather...

10 Business Sectors Where Top Open Source Platforms Have an Impact

10 Business Sectors Where Top Open Source Platforms Have an Impact

The term ‘open source’ refers to much more than just being able to use free software. In a nutshell, Open Source Software (OSS) is crowdsourcing applied to software development. The term originated when early software developers collaborated to learn from and with...

How To Use Crowdsourcing in 5 Key Business Sectors

How To Use Crowdsourcing in 5 Key Business Sectors

Our ability to communicate with many minds on a mass scale has made it a lot easier to turn to large groups of people to provide us with solutions to challenging issues, to deliver innovative new ideas, or give their feedback on our own ones. Turning a question or a...

How to Organize a Successful Prize Challenge

How to Organize a Successful Prize Challenge

Prizes can spur all types of innovation and R&D, and the use of prize challenges to accelerate R&D is experiencing a boom. Many organizations and governments around the world are launching prizes to accelerate R&D, and it’s a tool used by the likes of...

Top 10 Video Conferencing Platforms

Top 10 Video Conferencing Platforms

Video conferencing is one of the technologies that has advanced more in pandemic lockdowns than it would have done in years. Whether used for work meetings, for virtual events with perhaps many attendees, or for dislocated families and friends to get together and...

Top 10 Freelancing Platforms

Top 10 Freelancing Platforms

Skilled freelance jobs are booming, and it doesn’t matter whether your skill is in marketing, tech, design, law, logistics or accounting. More and more companies are turning to gig platforms to find skilled freelancers to fill a wide array of freelance jobs openings....